Original Post — Direct link
There's been several different packages available for purchase over the months, and there's been quite a few items that have caught my eye. Is there going to be a way to purchase these cosmetics in the future after actual launch of the game or are all of these specific items limited time offers?
over 2 years ago - SomethingWitty - Direct link
Greetings Red_Mongoose

As bloodprophet has mentioned, once a cosmetic set has been removed from the store, those items will no longer be available.

We have this detailed on our support site here: https://support.ashesofcreation.com/hc/en-us/articles/4403533317651-How-do-I-make-purchases-on-the-Ashes-of-Creation-Shop-

I am locking this thread. If you have any other support-related questions, please feel free to make a new post or submit a support ticket.