Original Post — Direct link

I had a quick question about pre ordering. It says that I’ll be able to buy future cosmetics as add ons to the level I’ve bought.
I’d like to be able to participate in alpha 2, but I’m not too interested in the higher tier cosmetics for this month, but I DO like the lower tier cosmetic.

If I buy the wayfarer pack now, and then buy a higher tier pack latter on. Would it upgrade my wayfarer status as well as provide the extra game time and embers? Or does buying later packs only grant me additional cosmetics?

Thanks for the help!
over 2 years ago - SomethingWitty - Direct link
Greetings Dromedary.

You absolutely can make a purchase now and upgrade later. When you upgrade a package, you retain all of the items from your first purchase, and then get all of the additional items from the upgraded package (game time, embers, name reservation, and cosmetics).

Check out this article: https://support.ashesofcreation.com/hc/en-us/articles/4403533317651-How-do-I-make-purchases-on-the-Ashes-of-Creation-Shop-