Original Post — Direct link
Hello, looking forward to your game! And the question is, if I buy "Pre-Order Pack" for 75$, will the regional price be applied to me in the future, I am from Ukraine. It's about the Pre-Order Pack that will be available for sale today.

Earlier I got information that it is planned to take into account regional prices.
over 1 year ago - SomethingWitty - Direct link
Greeting Deoden,

At this time there are no plans to apply any sort of regional pricing structure to pre-order, Kickstarter, or pre-purchase packages. Since there are no plans for an Ashes of Creation box cost, the intent for regional pricing will be a harmonized pricing structure for the monthly subscription rate, applied to specific region-locked servers based on the consumer price index of those regions.

I am locking this thread. Please feel free to create a new post if you have any other questions.