Original Post — Direct link
Firstly, apologies, this is my first post and I couldn't find it addressed elsewhere. Just let me know if I should approach this differently.
When a node siege is declared all node storages are locked and looting will occur if the node defence fails. To avoid this risk would some players be able to use alts with mules as storage? (if necessary, using a PvP death game mechanic to transfer materials). This potential exploit could allow players who run more than one account an advantage in avoiding node looting after a successful siege. An alt isn't a target when the player is logged out, a node is.
It might not be an issue, I'd just like to know that the potential issue is recognized if it is a valid concern. It touches on the "no p2w" ethos, as richer players can run multiple accounts and have alts.
over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hi there - some other folks have suggested this on Discord and our forums before, where the only truly "safe place" for your goods at any time may end up being on an alt that's logged off, based on how current storage mechanisms have been described. That being said, it wouldn't necessarily even need to be alts on separate accounts, if perhaps you were able to store items from your main character that you then logged in and grabbed from your alternate character.

Whether or not this ends up playing out as described, or if it ends up being adjusted based on diverting intended storage mechanisms, will all be something we have you provide feedback on in upcoming testing that utilizes those systems!

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can assist you with in the meantime!