Original Post — Direct link
Hello AOC family! This is the most exciting MMO I have seen in years, and I have a few questions about getting in early.

Obviously, I would be honored to be involved in the A2, B1 and B2 test phases. O,n the shop I see the current pre-order pack which allows you to get into these phases. However I also see they come with cosmetics, and there were many other cosmetic packs as I see. A few Questions.

1. Am I able to get those other cosmetic packs, the current one does not personally interest me. Or have I completely missed my boat on all of those other cosmetic packs besides the current one on the shop? If so - that's rough...
2. What is this about September being the last pre-order pack? If I do not pre-order in September, will I not be able to have access to A2? As Well as B1 and B2? It seems a bit risky to preorder this month if I end up loving next month's cosmetic way more. I don't see why all of the cosmetic packs' aren't just offered at once as it would entice more people to pre-order for their desired aesthetic.
3. If I do not pre-order in September, will I be able to pre-order in the future and gain access to B1 and B2 and just miss A1? As in, will there be a pre-order phase after A1 but before B1 and B2?

Thank you all <3

over 1 year ago - SomethingWitty - Direct link
Greetings Aurelion97,

Keep an eye out for the next cosmetic set release. There will be more information provided as to the current state of the pre-order packages provided with that release.

I am closing this post. Feel free to create a new post if you have any other questions.