Original Post — Direct link
Is Alpha 2 out? According to the latest video, I would assume it is with the Alpha 2 title? If so, when do us Alpha 2 players get in since we paid for it. I paid for it almost 5 years ago.
over 2 years ago - SomethingWitty - Direct link
Greetings Staron82,

It seems that some web browsers do not show the scroll bar in the Inventory frame within the Account Inventory section of the Account Dashboard. If you only see 5 items in your Inventory, scroll down.
over 1 year ago - SomethingWitty - Direct link
Greetings Trebor0712

As unknownsystemerror mentioned, we have not yet started our Alpha Two testing phase. Once we have a date to announce, it will be posted on all of our socials. So be sure to follow us in all the places and keep watching the monthly Livestream.


Closing this thread. Feel free to reach out again if you have any other questions.