- Nynaeve
- MargaretKrohn
- JustinAtPublix
If I just upgraded and got the alpha one do I still get to test the NDA version of the Alpha
- Vandel
Only thing I would like them to shed some light on is if we did buy the alpha 1 access(like the upgrade) do we have access on May 14th and further?
Yes. =)
This information is noted in our FAQ here.
Is there information anywhere on when people who recently purchased the upgrade will get their keys/information for access on the 14th? I havenβt seen anything on the forums or via email, so just wondering if I missed it somewhere
If you own a Kickstarter, Summer, or Pre-Order Pack which has Alpha One access, please visit the Alpha One Preview Testing section of the forums to connect your Discord account and for further test information.
1. Make sure that you log out of and back into the forums and hard refresh (Ctrl+F5):
https://forums.ashesofcreation.com/2. Check to see that your forum profile has Alpha One listed next to your Roles here:
https://forums.ashesofcreation.com/profile3. Visit the Alpha One Preview Testing category here:
https://forums.ashesofcreation.com/categories/alpha-one-preview-testing4. Follow the instructions in the orange banner at the top to connect your Discord and Intrepid accounts