Original Post — Direct link
Im using the same email and account info i used to log on the forum as i used to log on the website itself. I have alpha 2 and betas and alot of cosmetics unlocked since 2022 when i bought the dwarf package of winter with the giant winter tree house and alot more. Since i was gonna play only dunir i only bought what i was gonna use and think the game was worth investing in and giving some donation for their work. How do i make my inventory linked to the forum ? thanks ahead.
about 1 year ago - SomethingWitty - Direct link
Greetings mortalux, We have not yet implemented roles for the Alpha Two pre-order packages. Once we get closer to the start of that testing phase, we will create the applicable roles, badges, and forum categories. Once those permissions are set up, we will make an appropriate announcement so that all participating players will know where to look for pertinent information. I am closing this thread. Feel free to make a new post should you have any other questions.