Original Post — Direct link
I'm an old returning forum-er from the previous iteration of the matrix. I just barely migrated over and noticed a lot........less than the old forums used to have.

The old forums had:
- The ability to create in forum polls
- A public but completely separate personal posting area
- Many more topic areas to post in

I'm sure there was other stuff but this is what I immediately recall missing at a first glance.

At the very least I would assume as we get closer to launch the topics/sections will be expanded out again?
over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hi there! Hopefully I can provide some clarity on these items below:

1. Polls are still enabled on these forums, though only moderators and Intrepid Staff members have permissions to post them, as we use them to run official polls here!
2. I'm not quite sure what this is referring to? Both the old and new forums are powered by Vanilla, and I'm not familiar with this feature you're referencing.
3. Yup, you're exactly correct - as we move towards future testing and you all start to get your hands on things directly such as classes, crafting, etc., we'll be setting up forum categories to help match those so that you can provide feedback for our team and discuss further!

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything further we can help out with in the meantime!