Original Post — Direct link
hello, I have been following secretly since 2017 and I see now that the in game interface is developed well enough to have the ability to log in from a none host server into the game. I've been a fan of the idea of helping out before alpha 2 to help report bugs and exploits under NDA as a hobby. If so, I would gladly accept via email : [email protected] Note : I would not suggest any game directions, choices, or changes and specialize in only finding bugs and exploits that aren't intended. (Clever uses of game mechanics exemple : mortalux on youtube ; using abilities and items that in hind·sight were not intentionnal to happen.) thanks ahead, - Mortalux
about 1 year ago - SomethingWitty - Direct link
Greetings mortalux, Access to our Alpha and Beta testing is currently reserved for our Kickstarter and Pre-Order backers. Players who have purchased these packages will get access to testing first. At this time, we are not offering any packages with testing access as we evaluate our ability to provide a quality experience to our existing playerbase. As we get closer to the start of the Alpha Two phase (and all future phases), we will evaluate our capacity versus player count and may potentially offer other ways of gaining access to testing. If you are interested in participating in future testing, we would also recommend that you follow us on all the socials as we occasionally have giveaways for testing access. And should we announce other packages, social media is a great way to stay up to date. I am closing this thread. Should you have any other questions, please feel free to create a new post.