Original Post — Direct link
My question is this I just bought the $500 Alpha package, at what point will we be able to download the client so we are ready to go July 9th , If I'm correct on that date. If I'm in fact wrong I apologize.

Thank you
over 3 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hi there! As others in this thread have noted, once your forum roles have updated, you should be able to see our special testing section of the forums here!

This section includes an FAQ on our spot testing schedule, and also has an orange banner at the top that shows you how to connect your Discord and Intrepid accounts to get the latest news!

As a side note, it shouldn't take a few hours in order to update your forum roles - all you need to do is make sure you've logged out and back into the forums after you make a purchase, then Ctrl+F5 on your profile, and you will see it update right away!

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can help answer in the meantime!