Original Post — Direct link
Hey guys, I've been inactive on the forums for quite some time. But I wanted to take this time to write a small post and appreciate everything Intrepid Studios has accomplished recently.
  • Their recent stream covering the early alpha one preview restored hope to the community.
  • The creative-directors-letter gave us a lot of information regarding alpha one
Also, my 2080 TI arrived and I'm REALLY hyped to use it on AoC's amazing graphics. This summer is going to be a busy one for Intrepid, the community, and myself. I can't wait to sink my teeth into what Intrepid has worked so hard to show us. See you guys soon™
almost 5 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
We appreciate the appreciation <3

In all seriousness, we couldn't be more excited to be able to show off all our hard work to you, so we can all jump in and play together!!!
over 4 years ago - StevenSharif - Direct link
Thanks frands ❤️