Original Post — Direct link
I wanted to thank the developing team for the efforts they are doing, to make this game attractive for all the players worldwide. Thank you guys for trying to make a game that really includes the interests of each person.

Secondly: I'm sorry I don't know if this is the right place to post this but I wanted to ask if the Intrepid Studios are Planning to include the Arabic language in the game. (or at least put Arabic text and voice channels in the discord server)

I, my self can Speak the following languages: German, English, and Arabic and would be very happy to see the Arabic community (UAE, Dubai etc.) grow up over time in the game. cause, in my opinion, the most exciting thing in a MMORPG game is to see the diversity between the players and I see ashes of creations as one of the best games to include this diversity (cause of the node system and many other features the game has).

Also, I would be more than happy to offer my help in order to make this happen. So if you are interested, just DM me and I will write back as soon as possible.

Thank you for reading!

yours sincerely,


over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hi there! You can keep an eye on our latest plans for language support in our helpful knowledge base article here.

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can help with!