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Привіт, з України.

Дуже сподобалась Ваша гра мені та моїм друзям.Дуже чекаємо на її реліз або хочав відкриту бету. Це напевно буде одна з найкращих ігр свого часу, як що не най краща. Я впевненний що тисячі Українців залюбки будуть грати в неї в мирний час.

Прохання добавити локалізацію на Українскій в Вашу гру.


Greetings from Ukraine.

My friends and I really liked your game. We are really looking forward to its release or open beta. It will surely be one of the best games of its time, if not the best. I am sure that thousands of Ukrainians will love to play it in peacetime.

Please add Ukrainian localization to your game.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by sajjadsd5
My game is only in language Russian, but my region is uk
I need help
Hello sajjadsd5,

Welcome to the Forums.

It seems you have a Russian copy of the game.

In this copy, only Russian is an available language - further languages cannot be added.

Sorry for the inconvenience
about 2 years ago - SomethingWitty - Direct link
Greetings Adept_Ua

We appreciate your enthusiasm for the game. Below you will find our current plan for languages in Ashes of Creation. If any more languages are added, we will be sure to announce those additions.
