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I recently discovered this gem of a game, because it started getting more international traction, and I decided to buy the Voyager Plus Package.

Today I scrolled through the News section on the home page and saw that there were a lot of previous cosmetics packs, and some of them look so awesome, that now I'm a little sad that I didn't discover AoC sooner :(

My question is, will there be a way to obtain these past cosmetics once the game is released?

I understand that the developers want to reward the early birds, but that is A LOT of cool content that many of the new players are missing out on :/
almost 3 years ago - SomethingWitty - Direct link
Greetings Varcan!

There are no plans to allow players to purchase previously available cosmetics. Once they are removed from the shop, they are no longer available for purchase.

The good news is we release new cosmetics frequently. You will want to keep an eye on our News page for updates. We have plans for lots of new and awesome future cosmetics! Something is sure to catch your eye.