Original Post — Direct link
Hey there, adventurer!
Today i finally had time to pollish my Sorrows Hunger and now im happy to show it to you guys!
Also, its kind of a gift to Margarete. I realy hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed tweeking the little things and applying what I learned about Pixel-Art in the last months.

Hope, y'all are save, sound and healthy! Spread love, not a virus ;)

Original is to be found in my PixilArt account: https://www.pixilart.com/dertoastinator

almost 5 years ago - MargaretKrohn - Direct link
Aww! Thank you! =)
almost 5 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Well when you make him grin like that...he's definitely kinda cute <3

Thanks for sharing, and can't wait to see if you have more Ashes-inspired pixel art on the way!