@WizardsUntie @ExtraLife4Kids You can still join us on the stream!
@JibbsIRL @ExtraLife4Kids Thanks so much! Hope you'll be able to tune in for a bit! 🧡
@MojooFPS @ExtraLife4Kids YES! We're so grateful for everyone's generous donations so far!! 🧡
The first battle has begun as our caravan has been attacked!
Roughly 3 hours in and we've already raise $14,000 for @ExtraLife4Kids! Thank you glorious Ashes fam!!
We're kicking off our @extralife4kids 24 hour stream with a pen and paper game set in Verra!
Come watch and donate for the kids!
ONE HOUR until our 24 hour live stream for @ExtraLife4Kids begins!
Donate to @radychildrens and affect our live game, plus push us towards fun milestone unlocks that include Alpha One Key giveaways!
@latisullivan @HyperX 😂
@Drakko88 @CORSAIR
@CORSAIR 😻 What about Mouse?
@HyperX Not technically part of the build, but your pudding keycaps are PERF🤩
@Lore05523618 We had to look it up, too! Now we want to make all the things with ministek 😻
What type of art do you usually create? 👀
@MichaLindhagen We definitely do and our team is working to improve things as we go!
@kabhaalgaming You did a great job, and we got so many fantastic entries it was tough! 🧡We are giving out Alpha One keys on on our extra life stream as well:
@imPizzazz @ExtraLife4Kids @radychildrens We've only announced Alpha One dates so far, which start in DEC. You can read all the details here:
Get ready! Less than 24 hours before we're live for our @ExtraLife4Kids campaign! 🎉
Be sure to join us for some fun as we raise money for @radychildrens Hospital in San Diego, CA!
🧡 From the ashes of the phoenix, a creation is born! Riannanas crafted this glorious art piece made entirely of ministek! #FanFriday
🎨What crafty mediums do you like to use for your creative projects?
@RAGHNAR0K @ExtraLife4Kids @radychildrens WOOT! Let's GO! 😻
@ThatGuyRoz Aww we can't wait for you to play! 🧡😻
@DreamCraftWD1 LOVE it! That's a nice food spread! 😍