@Pellommattchar1 Welcome friend, we're happy you found us! We have pre-orders on our site for access to early testing and some other fun additions if you're interested. 😄
@Spinward_Bound Definitely keep an eye out for new positions that might fit your skillset! 😄
@ImperviumGG 😻
@TheFirstGeist There's a lot going on there 😂 Are those guns in the trunks? lol
@NobleArtGames 😍
@powlAM Neat ideas! What sort of enlarged bugs would you want to see?
@StrandedAxis 😂
@Maezriel1 YES, we need this 😍🥰
@Jyie5h That would be awesome! We do have a wolf-like pet, but perhaps a mount in the future 🤔
@Padric_ A tribble-like creature could be cool for sure!
@Padric_ We're here for it! 😂
@sephynixtv Oo interesting! Would you want it be an enlarged version or tiny? 🤔
@Charleyhorse15 That'd be super cute!
@LoreseekersCast 🦁🐯
@WizardsUntie Please do 😄
@404hamsters 😢 Sorry friend! Keep an eye out for future roles that might fit your skill set :)
@Emouawadd Not presently - definitely keep an eye on our career site for job updates! :)
@RonnieKoomba It'll be at our San Diego office - it will start as a remote position, but then would be on-site once we're all back at the office :)
@Saorchris Producer might be right up your alley 😉
@vibunja Wow, this looks amazing! If you haven't already, please share on our forums 😍