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12 Nov

11 Nov

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We found an issue where Specials would frequently duplicate their spawn cards, compounding as players progressed through levels. This would often result in an unfair amount of Specials overwhelming Cleaner teams. In future patches, we are going to continue to dig into spawning issues to help further smooth out the experience.

Originally posted by Lezlow247

Honest question but are you playing with 3 other people or bots? This seems like normal behavior in most of my games with other real people. I see it less often with bots. It also seems to be linked to the whole act. If you get these crazy spawns it happens throughout the rest of the act. It's been literally a joke now that we wonder if the director had a snickers that day.

I've got probably 400 hours into the game and I can tell you that this has become normal. So much so that on the rare occasion I get a run where this isn't happening it feels so easy. I used to be a software tester and tried to figure this bug out to try and manipulate the game into not doing this but it's just so rampant. It's also hard to know what the baseline is supposed to be since we mostly see this.

That's interesting, the director shouldn't care about the number of bots in the game. Maybe it has to do with the separate of players, bots usually hug players.

Originally posted by Ghost44678

Thanks, ya, We've been digging into those videos as well.

Originally posted by BANANAPHONE06

I do not, sorry, it was just jim saving all of us if I remember right and I usually only clip things I think are funny or interesting

I have hours of 30 second clips of me killing ridden in cool ways if u want that though?

All good, we will keep looking for it. It seems to be a bug that really shows itself at scale (we have way more live games running per hour than we could ever run during like our whole development). I've ran through that level about 10 times now and I can't get it to trigger.

We looked at our data on your match it showed that you were pacing the level at what we would expect. I could see this happening, if you ran past every enemy except commons and gathered them all up at the end. But that doesn't seem to be the case.

Other posts pretty much confirm that something is happening, so we will keep digging.

Thank you guys for your patience.

Looking into this issue. Just some questions, I assume this is veteran or recruit? Do you have a clip leading up to the fight?

10 Nov

Originally posted by BANANAPHONE06

No sir, no running, I usually like to play very methodically and loot even if sometimes other's might not want to lol. We looted pretty much everything and killed a lot of special infected before getting to the train yard where we wiped, all of these infected were freshly spawned.

I have a few other clips from this run if you'd like to see
First is from the area just before the yard, and #two is from the same run but the beginning, I figured it'd help to show how slow of a pace we kept the whole time lol.

Btw I don't envy you having to comment here, hopefully you don't get any crappy dms or anything for reaching out and checking things!

Hey, do you happen to have a clip leading into the initial clip you posted. Something like from the waterfall to the point that you were attack by the trauma station?

Originally posted by DisagreeableFool

Every single run I did yesterday in nightmare ended up like this. Fresh runs with cross play friends. Once a special spawned another did, then another, then another, then another, then another, then another, then another, then another, then another. It wasn't uncommon to see 4 various hocker, spitters coupled with numerous tall boys. We quit playing. I sort of wish I could refund your game, I loved the beta but now I find playing this game daunting more than fun thanks to your updates.

I liked being a cleaner, I want to clean the areas. Not run nonstop from non stop specials. I hate speed running anything.

Ya, we are looking into it.

Originally posted by BANANAPHONE06

No sir, no running, I usually like to play very methodically and loot even if sometimes other's might not want to lol. We looted pretty much everything and killed a lot of special infected before getting to the train yard where we wiped, all of these infected were freshly spawned.

I have a few other clips from this run if you'd like to see
First is from the area just before the yard, and #two is from the same run but the beginning, I figured it'd help to show how slow of a pace we kept the whole time lol.

Btw I don't envy you having to comment here, hopefully you don't get any crappy dms or anything for reaching out and checking things!

Perfect thank you, we pulled up your match ID and are looking through the spawns. The video's really help! I appreciate the help!

Hey, I am digging into this. Quick question, did you run through the level previously in this video? I am trying to figure out if there is some other duplication spawn issue or are these spawns that were aggro'd and not killed.

09 Nov

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Investigating issues with Specials spawning in groups

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If toggled “Off”, this will turn off the heavy stamina breaths that play when your character runs out of stamina

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Tutorial is still accessible from menu in Fort Hope