Great write up, this is pretty accurate to how we ran the nightmare balance team. We did a couple of attempts at getting through it with just starter cards, it was really hard, I think we got through Evansburgh and then had to focus on other stuff.
2 of our designers beat nightmare with just bots (bless their hearts).
Pro tip #1 is not a bug. We like to add little tricks to each new difficulty.
Our accessory player DID keep grenades for tallboys (and ran bomb squad), but we only use them when we were backed into a corner or in a really bad spot.
Not sure if it was mentioned, everybody feeds their accessories to a specialist teammate, nobody uses any items they don't have cards for.
Doc with an anti trauma bud was super necessary, I was usually that player, I also ran most the econ cards (support life).
The first rule of nightmare club is don't take unnecessary damage (if you are often getting hit by tallboys, it's back to veteran fo...
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