Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

21 Feb


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Originally posted by Lantern_Sky

People shouldn't be threatening you or calling you names.

BUT the state of this sub is a direct reflection of how DICE treats the community and your work.

That's not what I said, please re-read my reply.

20 Feb


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19 Feb


Originally posted by cmasotti

I think it is unbelievably unfair to lump everyone in this sub together and say we all "abuse" you. Many of us just want some kind of information, not sure why you'd go and blame us, if your bosses actually let you (or gave you) proper information to report the tone would be much different.

Maybe it is time for one of the higher ups still working on BFV to come out and set some proper expectations for this game. This whole mystery thing does not work for a game that is holding on by a thread, there needs to be realistic goals but also communication in regards to things that are not realistic and likely won't make it into this title.

I wasn't lumping everyone together, but I can understand where you're coming from. There's about 20 or so "regulars" that are the most active (and generally most abusive) and once they pile on, it escalates. I totally understand frustration - vitriolic, debasing abuse, yeah, there's no excuse for it.
If you're not the one doing it, it wasn't in reference to you.

And I agree with your second paragraph - completely.


Originally posted by DANNYonPC

I hope you stub ur toe to a packet of bowties

This is a step forward in our relationship for sure.


Originally posted by DANNYonPC


Tell me that you hope that I step on a lego again. lol


Originally posted by Mara_Jade93

Completely agree with you on wanting the old stats back. Especially like who captured the most flags and such.

Heals, rezzes, knifes, caps, ammo. Honestly I want to be able to look up any possible stat you can conceive, but would settle for the top 5-10.


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And stats. Give me back the old random stats that they also removed. I mean I want way more stats than they show but at least give me the old screen back.


Originally posted by waimser

I think it might be time for you to take some lessons on communication. Just about everything you post here seems like its sarcastic, dismisdive, or smarmy(such a good word).

There are good ways and bad waysbto communicate with the public, and the difference can often be a single word. You consistently do it badly from what ive seen.

For example. Your entire second paragraph above, just should not exist. You did well with the first, then took the extra time to get hyper defensive and insulting. It was unnecessary.

Your original, have a good one, comment was very abrupt and dismissive. With some rewording it might have been fine.

However, you need to be very careful what you put before an ending like, have a good one, or you just look like you are trying to dismiss what is being said and end the conversation without opporyunity for comback. The equivelent of making sure you have rhe last word before walking away.

However, you need to be very careful what you put before an ending like, have a good one, or you just look like you are trying to dismiss what is being said and end the conversation without opporyunity for comback. The equivelent of making sure you have rhe last word before walking away.

Fair point. I never thought about it that way - honestly - but I can definitely see how that can appear. Thanks for letting me know.


Originally posted by Darthbearclaw

You guys should just not bother with this. If you aren't going to have information on how the devs are going to fix the gunplay problem they intentionally created either at their own or the company's stupid behest, no one is going to upvote or care.

It makes me sad how you guys screwed up a venerable franchise to the point it will probably begin to return a lot less on the next game.

The weapon balance changes are going to be part of the Update Notes for 6.2 - once it's finalized and verified, the notes have been cleared (everything in the notes is verified in the update), and the build has passed Cert.


Originally posted by The_James_Spader

TDM, have mercy. Come on Braddock!!

I'm personally not a fan of TDM. REALLY wish Community Games had XP progression for ToW and Chapter (even if there was a weekly cap).


Originally posted by duffyboy211

So why are you also left in the dark? Jesus Ubisoft and rainbow six siege just did a what? 2 year road map? Sir...with all due can't even tell us what's tomorrow on the playlists...can't feel sorry for incompetence

I can tell you what's on the playlist. But I'd rather just create the post and you can review all the tasks and have all the details at once than have to answer the same question 13 times the day before it will be posted.

It's TDM on Pacific Maps with a US Soldier uniform set as the reward.


Originally posted by NUIT93

I like the current system. We just need to be able to access/change them mid-game. Having a few active at once gives a sense of specialization/purpose twd a specific goal yknow? Wouldnt be the same if they were all just tracked simultaneously

That's what I'm pulling for. The ability to switch mid-game (or at least between matches).


Originally posted by ASilentPartner

Your โ€œHave a good oneโ€ is easily smarm. Donโ€™t pretend otherwise. You do that shit across a variety of comments.

But yea you think weโ€™re assholes via your twitter likes.

If that's how you take it, that's unfortunate. When I say "have a good one", there's no malice or negativity. I do want you to have a good one - be it day, night, morning, week.

You seem quick to judge my verbiage, and make great assumptions into how I think, feel, and interact. And nearly all of the time, it's based on your bias and not on actual facts of what I've said.

I'm not even going to comment on your last point as that was addressed months ago.


Originally posted by Hungrymonkey1986

Wish I had his job where all I had to do was just pick easy question that isn't game related but yet still get payed

If I had answers for the hard questions, I'd much rather answer them than get constantly abused by this sub.


Originally posted by SubbansSlapShot

What suggestions could possible be thought of besides allowing players to add assignments in game or between rounds?

Some suggestions have been to track all assignments simultaneously. Or, for example, select 4-5 when launching the game, then once they complete, the game randomly select new assignments. There's been quite a few suggestions on how to address this.