Originally posted by thegodkiller5555
Can you provide any insight onto what will be coming in the future, I dont mean specifics on indiviual line items but broad catagories of things that can be reasonably expected. Having service seemingly canned with so much unfinished content and items having been promised such as the Chauchat and other items some clarification would be really appreciated.
also about the chauchat which you specifically had mentioned was coming in a future chapter, is there any news on it? Seems like it's not coming at this point
I know the comment you're referring to. I believe I posted that 2-3 months ago. That was what I was told at the time.
I don't have an answer right this second but have hit up a few senior folks via Slack (it's late in Stockholm, so I probably won't get any info until tomorrow my time) to get details. And regardless the answer, I will also try to get a "why". I know it's pretty frustrating to just get an answer with no "meat" to it, so I'll work on that.
Re: what is coming in the future - I'd love to dive into that with y'all. I'm unable to at this time until after Update 6.6 has rolled out. We'll be working on a blog on what will be the final content update (7.0) with details on what will be included, the future of the Armory rotations, what may be coming to the Company, and weekly missions.