Bless Unleashed

Bless Unleashed Dev Tracker

18 Jul

17 Jul


In the last year I've spent 10€ total and air du just fine. It's entirely optional. If you're going to put money in i recommend the Bless Pass as long as you have the time to complete the challenges to earn the mount at the end

16 Jul


As far I know adding voice acting to existing content is not planned

15 Jul


So much this XD


Haha yup been there. The higher your level, the longer it takes to kill stuff


The game has some great lore. I was sad that they stopped putting it in the foreground. I've also got some lore videos based on the official lore posts and ingame documents. There is a lot of story there

14 Jul


Originally posted by Deifiier

now i wonder what bugs we might find after the update. lmao. but in all seriousness, hopefully this update will bring back players they've lost.

Almost every update comes with some bugs and the occasional emergency maintenance but that's normal for pretty much any MMO. Console may behave in some ways they don't expect but thru do tend to get to the larger issues fairly quickly it's there are any. I'm excited to see the changes in action once they're patched


Originally posted by Geowulf-1

How are you planning to continue to improve/fix the console version of Bless Unleashed while producing the PC version? Progress was already slow and many issues still remain in game after months while only the console versions were being focused.

This is the one on everyone's mind

13 Jul


I'd love to see a multi-objective capture the flag style battlefield or arena

12 Jul


Originally posted by Comfortable-Water846

I enjoy it it's a fun hobby I enjoyed it better on quarantine hahaha I had more free time to work on it lol but slowly it's coming togther now =)

Aye during quarantine was easier XD Looking forward to seeing your progress :)