Bless Unleashed

Bless Unleashed Dev Tracker

27 Jun


Spectator mode would be awesome


Originally posted by MiguelJephy

I have an "inside" contact myself. There's no confirmation.

This isn't a secret. 2 weeks is the window between BNEA and Neowiz. I am a BandaiNamco partnered creator in regular direct communication with the team. This is confirmation

25 Jun


Originally posted by pingu11235

With this up coming update if they get it 90% right it might bring a lot of older players back and retain the current population. It would be ideal if they also include more dungeons or make the rotations more frequent (weekly would be ideal). Does anyone know what the exact time frame is on the current rotations? It appears to be quite random.

I would love to see that. I'm really curious to see the turnout


Originally posted by dsanchez775

This would be huge. Fingers crossed it’s true. Oh hey, I started saving memory gems to level up my skills, when the update happens. Do you think this is smart or a waste of star seed? Does the PC version utilize memory gems to level up skills? Any suggestions on how to best prepare to level up a skill? Do you know if we will be compensated for the current skill points used? Oh I heard it takes like 150 or 1500 skill pints to master a skill, does that sound right to you?

I'm sorry I hardly know anything at all about the new skills system other than that we'll have the ability to rank up individual skills


Originally posted by Tsume_Kat

where can I see more info about this? ty

I don't know if there were any official announcements made about this. I got in in a private conversation with Stormshade


Originally posted by Division2USA

Yeah - Minion - just to echo some sentiment here from others - how do you know that BTW? I mean was it put on a chat somewhere or whatever. Were you watching a video of a PC Steam event or what?

What's the reference point?

I got it from BandaiNamco directly in a private DM

24 Jun


Just a reminder that we'll be getting all of the changes made to PC exactly 2 weeks after PC release. BNEA is trying to make that window even smaller for us

External link β†’

Everyone is kind of holding their breath to see how PC release will effect the game in general

22 Jun

21 Jun


I had the same issue when I hit 30. In my case, it was that I was still using an inferior weapon. Your weapon is your greatest asset, so even if your gear score is good, if you're not doing enough damage you're gonna have a hard time

20 Jun


Hi. We encourage sharing your content here but we require that you be an active member of the subreddit before you do so. Please spend some time posting other things and/or writing productive comments on other people's posts before linking again

19 Jun


You have to realize that BandaiNamco has no access to the actual game and can't make changes to it. They are a 3rd party publisher in this scenario. They can pass feedback on to the devs and that's it

18 Jun


Originally posted by StudMuffinNick

I know dude! Either remove the picture or add them. I can only take so much teasing before it becomes cruelty lol

I've been saying this for months lol. Even have a video up about it. Nobody cares XD


He's not saying anything that didn't actually happen, unfortunately. Neowiz pulled a lot of desperate shady sh*t. It's why I've been so openly skeptical about practices we can expect with Bless Unleashed PC

17 Jun


The left side of that picture has a Varg ranger


Originally posted by Wander1900

Even Neverwinter has a rogue assasin class. Bless Unleashed copied a lot of lore from Neverwinter.

All MMORPGs copied from Dungeons and Dragons in many ways