Bless Unleashed

Bless Unleashed Dev Tracker

12 Jul


This is so cool. I've been hoping to see some Bless cosplay eventually. I just cosplay OCs but I admire the people who really put the work into recreating a character


Did you change your equipped skill in the middle of WL? That's pretty boss 😳

11 Jul


Originally posted by haggie-1

Tbh having some folk about the place would be great if maybe singing dancing cooking and actually living at my place would be awesome maybe some kids running about a dog or 3 awesome washing hanging u feel me but all these ppl just milling about hmm

I always thought the tavern needed a bard


You're going to want to get yourself a fishing pond to attract artisans needed for the ancient weapons process. Yup, most of those NPCs are just atmosphere. I think the place would look empty without them but I might just be used to them XD


Sadly no


I'm all for freedom to do whatever but when gear doesn't have level restrictions transfer between toons does feel unbalanced

09 Jul


Removing this now because obviously it is a catalyst for conflict


Originally posted by ragelark

This is an official Bless Unleashed sub for the community. Why do you keep saying it’s “your” sub because you’re the moderator?

Because it's my subreddit. Owned and operated by me. It's not hard to understand. I run this place to the best of my abilities with the community in mind. I don't stand for douchebaggery and I don't force anyone to be here


Let me make this clear. I don't have to prove any kind of innocence. This is my subreddit. I choose who is mod and who is not. I choose who is banned and who is not. It's how I've been able to enforce the forum rules, like the one about drama and toxicity. I am not on trial. I don't need your approval, I need you to follow the rules. Plain and simple.

And exactly this kind of hostile an aggressive post is what I was brought in by BandaiNamco to stop in the first place, and to remove users who make them. When I lock a post, that's the end of that discussion. Opening new posts to keep that discussion is a violation. That's a no-brainer, just like trying to pick fights with forum mods being folly is a no-brainer.


As far as I know they're going to lean into the new system even further


I'm very proud to announce u/Birel-Who as our newest mod. I consider her a friend and if you're on Playstation or hang out here frequently you'll know her as someone very active, helpful and friendly.

As you might be aware I am in the middle of an international move and have health issues that prevent me from spending a lot of time in-game, and limits my time on this subreddit to about 30-60 minutes a day. That's why I am extra glad to have great mods like Jessica and u/StudMuffinNick. Until I am able to be more active again, and during the time when I am literally between countries and then getting settled in a new country with internet etc, I know this place will...

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I'm going to assume this comes from as place of misguided concern. This is my subreddit that i have put a year of hard work into. I'm here every day and my last video was not about one specific player, it was a parody with a call out to someone who was actively being a bully at the time. I have recruited multiple mods that are more active both ingame and here than i am able to be right now and posts like this are anything but productive. BandaiNamco knew what they were doing when they entrusted me with this place. You don't have to like me, but you have to accept I'm in charge here and i don't stand for bullying, drama or toxicity. Leaving the post up because you are entitled to an opinion, but locking comments because these kinds of posts can turn ugly fast.


It doesn't happen very often, but that it does happen is why devs moved pvp zones to high-level areas only. They think it's a Dbag move too. On the other hand, you do get a special title for killing 1000 people in the open world.

08 Jul

07 Jul


I hope nobody to excited to do the math gets taken advantage of. Thanks for bringing awareness to this


Originally posted by StudMuffinNick

I spent a good 5 mins in silence contemplating life after this lol. Luckily they restored it for me but for a while there I was worroed

I would have been too XD