Bless Unleashed

Bless Unleashed Dev Tracker

02 Mar


Originally posted by ThumbsGamingYT

It is Mark of the Wolf not Lionheart blessing

You're right I got them mixed up. Thank you

28 Feb


They're worth fighting if you finish the job before they disappear after the time limit. The little chests they drop are pretty much a worthless distraction. It's all about the big chest at the end


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There are 2 NPCs near the bridge south of the old amphitheater in carzacor that drop one of the fragments. They used to path back and forth around the mountain giant but I read they made them stationary recently


Welcome :) What server do you play on?

27 Feb


Thank you so much u/QueenOfTaming for agreeing to give me a hand around here

External link →

Originally posted by AltruisticQuote3076

This also only worked sometimes for me. When i just started it didnt always work but now that im higher level i can change channel whenever i want, im not sure if its supposed to be like this or if it was a glitch that got resolved. For me it also sometimes worked to fast travel back to the starting area and then i could change channel there. This could be because i went into a loading screen and the game 'reset' or that it was only possible in that area for lower levels.

You can't change channels while in a quest instance. If you see a blue flash, you're in one of those


They announced the next closed beta for May. So with any luck shortly after that


Originally posted by Living_Passenger8011

Yeah me too. Im not sure if that occurs after having a specific number of bag piece turn ins or after having a specific amount of bag space. Hopefully it's the earlier one otherwise I wasted some bag pieaces.

It's after you get 100 inventory spaces from bag pieces specifically


After picking up all the bag piece chests in the world you'll have 3 left over


Haha not all but some mounts. I find the sound some horse-mounts make offputting. I feel like I should hear hooves galloping, but the sound is somehow squishy and wet

26 Feb


Originally posted by Expensive_Corgi_4092

How long is it going to take I would like to get my seeds I have a bluff on

Please reach out to our player experience team by visiting to discuss this.


Originally posted by Beautytoes2021

Stormshade, I am currently missing out on my Starseed boosters since i cant log into my characters that have all those boosters on....will I get a day extension on those? I dont think its fair i lose a day on a perishable item I bought

I would suggest reaching out to support regarding that. It's not something I have the power to do.


I think there is a maximum number of tameable hellbulls up at any given time. If you killed all of them on one channel and none of them tamed, switch channels


Originally posted by lanceburnett27

Any update?

Right now we are monitoring and investigating. We have a few leads we're checking, but I don't have any other information right now.