Bless Unleashed

Bless Unleashed Dev Tracker

20 Feb


Welcome u/Meanguns76, who has accepted my invitation to help keep this place community-friendly. Happy to have you aboard!

External link →

It was never possible to join all of them at the same time. You can join any of them, but only be a member of 1. If you don't like the one you're in, you can do a quest to leave that union and join a different one. Up to a certain tier, you can buy union traits for all 3 unions, even the ones you aren't a member of


Good guide. I bet a lot of new people will benefit from this


Gideon isn't a level or a gear check. It's a skill check to make sure you are ready you know your character well enough for more difficult group content. It helps to have a high damage weapon but mostly this fight is all about reading telegraphs and managing your stamina for dodging.

Wear headphones. You can use the 3D sound to locate Gideon quickly when he teleports. Here's a guide I made


Originally posted by Zildjian134

Love your videos man. Keep it coming. The Stonewyvern Cave has a few people that will camp it and kill anyone who comes in looking for Foxeye Grass for sales reasons. Notorious is the worst guild for this. Ran into a girl this morning farming Foxeye and both of us were on edge and tired of getting killed everytime but ended up loosley bonding and coming to a channel agreement. Buying your weight in Peace Scrolls for most people isn't an economically viable option for most of us. It gets expensive. We run out of SS to buy gear and have to resort to real money, which is shitty to be forced to that. We also have a particular player that likes to camp the hounds for hours at a time and kill people that come in to do the regional, then bitch about fair play when they come back with a group of 5 to stop it.

We have a guild or 2 on Xbox actively trying to help control needless violent hoarding (in the game) I also think adding a daily Peace Scroll similar to the daily participa...

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Thanks I appreciate it. That kind of area hoarding is very specifically a style of play devs said this game would never support. Since the self-policing system didn't work out the way they wanted, I really hope they get around to finding open world pvp a real balance.

Peace scrolls being a lumena shop item has always bothered me. Even when you're buying it for seeds, someone paid real money for it and put it there, so it's reasonable to assume Neowiz is actively profiting from people trying to just play the game. I love the free daily scroll idea. Ultimately you should just be able to opt out of pvp, or have pvp only in specific designated zones, with real conquerable objectives to fight over and give the whole thing some depth and meaning


Originally posted by Zildjian134

Bamco people....are those the ones with the GM tags on their character names?

The GMs do work for Bamco, but I think in varying degrees. I'm not sure but some are also in community management and involved in support, and some are just players with privileges. Usually when I refer to Bamco I mean the people one or 2 steps higher than your average GM

19 Feb


I love sader for how agile they are. I prefer Blind Executioner. Currently built for Att/Def/Crit but i'm thinking about prioritizing defense


Holy crap way to go

18 Feb


Originally posted by SpaceMooseChronic

It happened. The "guilds" that share information, are in reality dicks. They withhold the information and they aren't interested in helping anyone outside of their booty club. But that being said I didn't do it for any other reason than I am a troll and my entire guild tried to tell me to stop. Had they asked, things would have been fine, but a demand?

It's amazing how being given an ultimatum makes you want to do the opposite even more ;)


Originally posted by SpaceMooseChronic

Ps4 peeps lose their mind if you kill pandas. Lmao

People kill pandas? Nooooooo


Originally posted by moosee999

I'm DaddyMBP in blessed. I know who you are, and you know who I am. I've done a ton for the blessed community.

I appreciate that and I'm sorry I wasn't aware and don't know that charactername, but to be fair I keep global chat closed and have since almost the beginning, and I didn't have much presence on reddit until they handed it to me to mod one day.

So, sorry for not knowing you or your contribution. Reading my above comment I realize my wording about making smugglers public was poorly chosen. Really not trying to take credit away from anyone, which is why I've been talking to dreamy about making a video to clarify that. I won't let my own efforts be diminished but it is very true that 80% of the locations I was camping for confirmation came from dreamy's list and the video wouldn't have been possible without her. Or you, if you were right there with her.

Hope we can squash this. I'm not looking to make enemies

17 Feb


Originally posted by moosee999

Toxic community backlash? Nahhh man you taking credit for other people's hard work then deflecting the blame. Funny thing is there's still secrets in the game that 99% don't know about. Soon as someone says something you'd just make a video claiming credit for it.

But keep calling this toxic community backlash instead of what it really is which is you deflecting blame.

Dude if you did all that smuggler work, I'm happy to give credit. But I've never heard of you. And obviously you don't know me at all either lol. My original guide credits dreamy. and this video was about how I got death threats for the smuggler pics I took. Your response to "I got death threats" is "stfu and also I am awesome". That's not exactly a positive community contribution.

I'm sorry something I went through and spoke up about somehow triggered your delicate sensibilities. Please be well