Bless Unleashed

Bless Unleashed Dev Tracker

17 Feb


You have to find the method that works right for you, but they're all pretty grindy. Run dungeons and sell all the A-gear you can get your hands on. Run regionals and sell of all of the enhancement pieces you get. Farm ancient chests to sell recipes. Join the Artisan's Union, cook yourself some gathering speed food, pop a gathering speed scroll and put on a set of gathering speed gear, then farm northern sperios for gold from your mount. I personally don't run dungeons very much, so I sell any spare keys. If you hoard keys until right after a double chest event, you can sell them for more. Pretty much everything u/StudMuffinNick said


Originally posted by StudMuffinNick

I never heard of that, I'll check it out. Though, I'm confused why im getting downvoted

It was a good solid answer. Here's another upvote


Originally posted by moosee999

Wrong. Dreamy and I did all that for the smugglers. Our list was confirmed by both of us. You said you did this for 6 days? That's great. Dreamy and I did this everyday for a month straight. Like I said originally - minimal effort on your part. How are you going to say her list wasn't confirmed when we did it every day for a month. 6 days is literally nothing compared to the effort we put in. And even in your semi apology post above you still are trying to take credit for it. That's rediculous. For a MONTH STRAIGHT we did the smugglers to make that list. Got the ball rolling my ass. Tell me what of her original information was incorrect or missing?

Additionally again - I posted EVERY. Single. Invasion. Trigger after I solved the prestige quest line. Including the kannas mountain chaos invasion. All the information I posted multiple times to start invasions was 100% correct. I posted this all 9 months ago. As well as correcting people's incorrect posts.

You want to ...

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I also posted every.single.invasion trigger. and it turned out what a lot of us thought was fact turned out to be bogus. Neowiz even specifically said the Ardell invasion is triggered by killing 20 pumas and 20 elephants. before that we thought it was just 200 pumas. then a gm lets slip that its goblins. there's too much misinformation that puts every existing guide in question.

I've already been talking to dreamy about making sure she gets proper credit. We're cool. But it doesn't change the fact that I worked hard on getting everything confirmed. I was the first person to get screenshots of every single smuggler and distribute them, and debunk false report locations. A community that was already distrustful because of all the ancient chest misinformation out at the time was demanding screenshot confirmation of everything. I provided and you can't diminish that because you are somehow butthurt.

The video wasn't about the credit. It was about the toxic community bac...

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Originally posted by moosee999

Wait what? You didn't make smugglers public. Dreamy did this. This was done so long ago and videos posted.

All the crusade starter info has been posted on reddit here multiple times by me. And this information has been available for over 9 months and can be found via simple Google search.

A lot of your gripes come from the fact that you put minimal effort into the game and you play it like it's a co op. I have no idea what your experience is with mmos, but it definitely shows to be lacking. Secrets and the community figuring out information together is a staple of mmos ever since ever quest in 1999. The epic weapon quests released in kunark. World of warcraft attunement quests and hidden mount quests. Like you're legit complaining about basic mmo mechanics that have been solved and you can figure out with a simple Google search.

I honestly can't believe you are taking credit for making smugglers public. You are WAYYYYYY LATE to that party.

dreamy posted a bunch of sightings, and then everybody rushed to copy her list. I parked 9 alts at reported locations and set an alarm to wake me up every hour to check all of those spots for 6 days before releasing a guide 100% confirming or debunking reported locations. Dreamy got the ball rolling and she definitely deserves a lot of credit for that. But I did a ton of ridiculous work to get the information right. I lived and breathed smugglers and nothing else with next to no sleep, and got several death threats as a result.

We know the invasion triggers, but we don't "know" all the invasion triggers, and the many posts often conflict with each other, so needing clear information on those from an official source is still an issue


Congrats! A force to be reckoned with


Originally posted by Cyroxin1716

so why do you hate on people selling seed if you have this conspiracy^ .

the 2 aren't related. its 2 seperate things both contributing to the death of the game. I don't have to like one because I disapprove of the other :p. Hate is a strong word. Every game has gold sellers. Comes with the territory. I don't go out of my way about it, just enforce the role on the subreddit about keeping that topic out


Originally posted by StickyFungus

Please tell me how it isn’t pay to win. I can go to the shop and spend real money on items that I can then go and sell to other players for seeds which I can then use to purchase the best gear in the game. I can literally buy power. How is that not pay to win? I’m not saying you CANT earn these things but you CAN just pay money to get them instead of earning them through playing the game.

Right, so you CAN win without paying. You can spend money to get ahead faster, but it isn't required or necessary and that makes all the difference. No matter how much money you pour in, you still have to grind like everybody else to get anywhere that matters


Originally posted by Flexogic

I’ve played a lot of open world pvp games ... this one managed to kill my interest in them anymore.

4 people managed to do that. The level of toxicity people from certain guilds had ... I cannot understand how the Devs intentionally designed the game that way.

Edit: I haven’t played the game for about 2 months ... its literally completely changed my mental health being away from the community entirely. The guild I was in was great ... but overall ... the community as a whole is mental. Taking a break from a game shouldn’t provide relief, the game itself should be the relief. Sad that a game was designed like this. Especially one with so much potential.

I'm sorry about what you experienced. If it helps, I left Sea of Thieves because the game was great but the community so toxic. 7 months later I went back and its much better, because toxics have no real staying power and most of the people who last are the good ones. Bless Unleashed's toxic elements will decrease over time.


Originally posted by Cyroxin1716

game is death already on xbox lol you think giving money to those cash grabber devs would make a difference , none of those last patched were even decent.

I have this crazy conspiracy theory that Neowiz used Bamco for a quick cash influx because they took a huge hit with Bless Online, but they never actually intended for the game to be on console long term, and are actively sabotaging or at least purposefully neglecting it so they can eventually just focus on the pc version. And if thats the case, they'll burn this to the ground like they did with BO, and then maybe hit up EA for help with their next release


Depends on your platform. Xbox has been around a while so it's a smaller and more stable crowd. PS4 is just about hitting the end of its honeymoon phase so the hype crowd will start thinning out so it will feel a little more empty but will still have a healthy playerbase, just less crowded. PC is going to be jack-packed for probably about 6 months before it stabilizes into a longer term crowd.

It's grindy, and people who are failing at progression complain its P2W but it absolutely isn't. I've been playing for 11 months and I've spent $12 total and I'm endgame. You can pay real money for items that make your grind a little easier, and some people sell those items to the player market so you can buy those things for ingame currency as well.

It's under constant development. Maybe a little too focused on adding new things and not enough on polishing existing content. There is some content-drought at the end so mechanics are in place to keep you from maxing out too quic...

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Originally posted by Cyroxin1716


A video urging everyone never to buy star seeds and talking about how star seed selling is contributing ultimately to the death of the game. I don't know if you're aware of my channel but I've been making bless unleashed content on youtube

16 Feb


Glad you're enjoying yourself over there^ Send us a postcard


Its not as bad as it used to be, but there' a chance if you skip side quests you'll run into a wall eventually. Just rush through them for the xp


Originally posted by instagigated

It's a BEAUTIFUL game. I am constantly awed by the animation and textures and the work put into building an immersive environment.

It really is. I love playing it. Sometimes that may not come across very clearly lol. I bitch because I care


Originally posted by sboardsti

I partly was, but since last reset that is fine now too since its public knowledge. It's peaceful at those spots now.

It's definitely gotten better, and maybe I should have angry ranted when it was at its worst. My beef is that the system the created all that hate is still in place and needs patched


Originally posted by instagigated

Those players still run around the game today. And whether this is true or not, some of them have enough resources to manipulate the market as they please. There's even people on Xbox very obviously selling star seeds for cash.

The developers really don't care about this game.

Aye you still feel the shockwaves from that whole mess every day


Originally posted by instagigated

Do developers or GMs (what do GMs even do???) ever come to this subreddit? Read the issues? Comments? Take things into account? Or is it always "submit a support ticket and we'll forward your feedback to the mystery developers who may or may not exist."

They do come here to get a feel for community mood and feedback. Bamco really cares but their influence is limited. They take what they get in support tickets and feedback they see here and pass it along to Neowiz, so they're the ones who really have to care in the end.


Originally posted by instagigated

Great video. I'm sorry to hear about those death threats. No one deserves that. This community is so toxic. Developers don't ban people for exploits or for making selling star seeds their full-time job.

This game will die just like Bless Online. It's only a matter of time. The pandemic was just a lease on life for this game and with the pandemic coming to an end, so will this game.

I really hope that isn't the case. It's essentially a great game and can be saved if we can just talk the captain into not steering towards icebergs for 10 minutes lol


If it makes you feel better I've got a video in the works about the dangers of buying seeds for money