Bless Unleashed

Bless Unleashed Dev Tracker

07 Jan


I failed to include Paetion in the video, and it didn't occur to me until after posting. Paetion was one of the 5 dragons and god of the forge. I suspect the giant duck-billed dinosaur skeleton in Ivory Dunes are his remains


I think that particular recipe is bought from a reputation vendor, but I can't say for sure without going ingame to look for it


This subreddit is the official Bless Unleashed forum. To contact game reps directly you should still use the support contacts, but you will also encounter GMs and community managers here (granted, not often)


Originally posted by OoRicky92oO

EU is Paetion

Ah also a god name thank you

06 Jan


I didn't even notice it was gone. But now I can't think about anything else

05 Jan


Originally posted by [deleted]


The devs themselves don't come here as far as I know, but GMs and Bandai reps do. They're more likely to see it as new posts. I don't think they check this thread much


Originally posted by burger-eater

Rip teldrassil tree.

Lol yup I searched forever and couldn't find anything better showing the burning of a world tree


Originally posted by Stars_of_Sirius

Iraphos for NA. Don't know EU

Thanks very much


I'm into the game's lore and the xbox servers are all named after Gods. The only 2 other gods I know are Ventis and Iriaphos. Is that what your servers are called?

External link →

I've been harping on for months about how this is going to stretch the game too thin. After how many dislikes that video got, I'm kinda glad I'm not the only one lol


Originally posted by CrimsonOctane

Bandai Namco is responsible for Xbox and PS4. Round 8 studio is handling Bless Online PC version themselves

Round 8 is the studio for the game on all platforms. Bandai publishes it on console, Neowiz publishes it for PC


Originally posted by IsanRuku01

The pc release has a different team of devs working on it compared to console. If you've playing this game you should know the devs don't care about a good game, they only care about milking a new platform for money (which means the game is lacking).

It's the same devs for both. Bandai just isn't publishing the PC version. I'm sure the devs care very much about the game, but they don't make a lot of the big-picture decisions. Neowiz does that


Originally posted by random2wins

Didn’t they say a different studio is handling pc bless?

The studio is the same, but the publisher is different

04 Jan


Originally posted by DiggingBless

Wish they weren't going to PC at all. Takes a bunch of time and riddled with problems. I posted about that recently.

I did a video to that effect when they first announced it. I'm glad they're going PC, I just think its waaaay too soon for them to take on new projects when they're not done with that they're already working on

02 Jan


It probably counted for the quest just to trigger a taming event, whether you complete it or not. There is no limit to how often you can tame, but it's a very low chance. Here's a guide on how to improve your tame rate


Originally posted by JankyJokester

He doesnt appear to be in game but at load screen. Also a likely reason it's not showing.

Haha that would explain it. Can't imagine they get no gameplay settings at all


Originally posted by VNotProGamers

Wow no gameplay settings at all? That's downright ridiculous. So when they announced new settings like camera zoom, you guys on PS4 were like "Yeah that's not us"