Bless Unleashed

Bless Unleashed Dev Tracker

26 Dec


I didn't know mages were affected too. This is good information to have. Thank you


Originally posted by sandMonkey227

I just want the wolf girls to have tails man

Amen :)



25 Dec


Originally posted by justbwolf2600



Sadly, the game isn't available in your country due to legal reasons.

24 Dec


Hello! May you please provide which country are you trying to access the game?


Originally posted by bodaecia

That's a shame. PvP should have gear score limits.

There used to be a restriction preventing you from attacking anyone more than 5 levels lower or higher than you, but people were using it to exploit loopholes so it got removed

23 Dec

22 Dec


Originally posted by Dankerino4K

Minion, I’m coming back around with a question instead of a actual discussion, I work a good bit, I have extra money that was burning a hole through my pocket and I wanted to know how the prestige system works in this game because I want to get my hands on the wyvern mount, but I don’t want to dump a thousand dollars into a mount that I ride a total of 6 times a day between bosses, and another follow up question, am I able to just take a wyvern? I haven’t messed with any taming as I have not defeated Gideon on any class, I’m leveling all my classes up to defeat Gideon and reaching the recommended GS before I take him on, then spending some seeds on account storage expansion tickets to make seed characters.

Honestly I'm not an authority on prestige mounts because I personally have never used the lumena shop. But I do know from speaking with people who have prestige mounts that you cannot buy them outright. They have to be earned by spending certain amounts in the lumena shop


Originally posted by Rencor101

The problem is that when you google "bless unleashed reddit" that is at the top of the page. How many people read that as new players and give up on the game I wonder?

I'm guessing anyone impressionable enough to not try a free game because someone on the internet didn't like it, isn't going to really contribute long term. I did remove that post tho


Originally posted by Dankerino4K

Also, to add on to my previous comment, I have a 3 month old son who acts more mature than 99% of people in NA General chat.

rofl that may be very true. I got into the habit of tabbing away from global chat months ago. I hardly look at it now


Originally posted by Dankerino4K

Plus they act like it negatively effects them even though it’s not money coming out of their wallet.

Lol right? When my kids are mad at a game, I tell them to turn it off. Play a different game or go play outside. Anything just not the game that makes you unhappy. I don't understand the mentality of devoting so much of your time to something you don't even like.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Please remember the subreddit's #1 rule: Be Kind. If you're upset you couldn't get the new Xbox, there's still no reason to take it out on someone who did.


People saying Bless Unleashed is just the new Bless Online have never been relevant lol I just did a whole video about that. This was posted before I took over the subreddit or I would have removed that drama right away.

21 Dec


Originally posted by Dankerino4K

Wait a minute? Is this actually the YouTuber? (Just curious because I wouldn’t of been able to progress without help from your videos!) it’s such a sad thing to see because I’m loving the game, I got my entire group of friends who play overwatch to migrate over to Bless just for us to get on after work to hear people whine and complain, and scream about how we need to stop giving these “greedy devs” money out of our wallet. I’m unable to comprehend why people don’t sit back and relax while trying to enjoy the game, for a free game I think it’s extraordinary, but I think the only reason I’ve got addicted to this game is it reminds me of years ago playing WoW classic with my brother

I appreciate you saying that :) I'll never understand spending so much of your own time playing a game you don't like just so you can complain about it lol Why not play a game you enjoy instead? I've been playing Bless Unleashed for 8 months and spent about $12 in total so I don't get the greedy devs argument. Any spending is completely optional.

20 Dec


Originally posted by canceled-ultimate

I think I’ll play Crusader to be the team shield hopefully, thank you for the advice though

Welcome and have fun^


I literally saw someone comment on facebook today "I hate this game. I log in every day to tell people in global". I wasn't even sure how to respond to that. It's so sad