Bless Unleashed

Bless Unleashed Dev Tracker

02 Jan


Originally posted by Beanborne

I got to Ruins and Madness in the main quests fell like I’m getting too weak to Carry on, I’ll do side quests and regional fir now thanks. 😊

Aye gear score is your issue there. Gaining levels will just make your enemies stronger because they sync to it.


Originally posted by Digitallyendowed

Cheers for the input. I’ve downloaded the game to try it out but the performance even on my Xbox series x is really bad averaging around 20fps. Is this normal or should I try a reinstall?

I'm hearing a few people reporting issues with the new consoles. That shouldn't be a problem for very long tho


If compared specifically to ESO, BU is smaller and a little unpolished, but when ESO first came out it was a hot mess so I'd say BU already has great potential if given the time to grow that ESO had

01 Jan


Originally posted by burger-eater

Yeah it seems like it, had 3 crashes so far today within 2h or maybe less, now am put off the game. This really needs to be looked at by the devs.

That does suck, but it's to be expected with any new platforms. Give it a little time. I'm sure Round8 is frantically trying to put that fire out asap


Originally posted by LiabilityFree

My dumbass legit used it, put 50k gold it in, got confused...sold it to the general store....wasted.

See if you can buy it back?


You put 50k gold in to turn the item from an empty small gold jar to a regular small gold jar, which can then be sold to a vendor for 50k. It's just a way to transfer gold to an alt, or turn gold into star seeds by selling it on the player market


Someone made a similar post about playing on Xbox Series X. Might be some bumps in the next gen console ports

31 Dec


Is it weird that I really want to see this list of 15 minutes of inappropriate names?


Welcome! Best advice I can give is: it's a marathon, not a sprint. Enjoy the content in your level range and don't push too hard. Enemies sink to your gear score, not your level, so level just fast enough to unlock more content but increase your gear score whenever you can. In other MMOs you run a dungeon over and over until you get the drop you want. Doesn't work here. It's designed to keep us interacting through the market so sell what you don't need and buy what you do.


Already great answers here so you probably know what you're doing by now. In case you need more info here's a video guide about this

30 Dec


Take a couple of practice runs at him to learn his moves. Once you know those, it's just a patience game. Don't do full combos, and when he teleports, don't stand still. Wear headphones or use surround-sound so you can hear where he appears. Here's a guide I made before his last nerf


Originally posted by ephikles

The only question I couldn't find an answer for is this: At what point should I start failstacking? Right from the beginning, when my Tier A is rare +0? Or upgrade to epic +5 first? Or somewhere in between?

Start at epic+5 to be totally safe. No chance of breaking before then


Hey now lol there are other guides out there that also matter cough XD

28 Dec


This pic is back from Xbox release in April. Issue still exists to an extent but by now this one is an exaggeration


Originally posted by Raymands

Sorry, don’t understand your language...

Davon gehen wir aus ;)

27 Dec


Originally posted by Asyelum

The penalty from what I understand is just a cooldown from entering matchmaking for like 10 minutes. Nothing major. (Correct me if im wrong)

I actually think it's 2 minutes for the first offense