Bless Unleashed

Bless Unleashed Dev Tracker

27 Nov


I bet people at r/BlessUnleashedSteam are more likely to know that one^


Originally posted by random2wins

Pretty sure they said somewhere they lowered gear breaking on fails overall.

I didn't see any such notification. Maybe it just slipped past me


With the last big update, they made the common enhancer break everything it fails on, but the unlicensed got a lot cheaper. Then they nerfed common breaks so that no failed enhancement attempt below legendary would break.

I just now failed enhancing legendary +4 to +5 4 times, and not a single break. How are we supposed to know what's going on if they keep changing the rules without saying anything :p

External link β†’

It's a patience game. At least you're ranged. Imagine chasing him on a crusader XD

It's all about learning his attacks, so take a bunch of small practice runs at him. To help with the teleporting, wear headphones. The game has 3D sound so you can hear where he appears.

Maybe this will help

26 Nov


The devs are keeping the actual success rates for enhancement secret. We found that the best failstack is between 15% and 20%. I personally never use embers. Even if you were to raise your chance to 100% you could still fail because there is a cap somewhere in the system. Also, I advise against using A gear to failstack ever. Just do field boss runs and keep all B-grade chest and leg pieces, then use those for failstacking. Weapons seem to have the same success and fail chance as armor, but cost more cores, so avoid breaking weapons for a failstack. I just got my weapon to mythic and I can tell you it's a struggle. Take it easy and stop trying when you run out of repair tools. Go do other stuff and try again tomorrow. Forcing it will just burn you out.

I did a guide on this a little while ago. Maybe it will help ...

Read more

The reason forced pvp feels so foreign to some people is because open world pvp was not part of the original design of the game. It came later when devs were discussing what they could do to make players feel more like they are in danger in higher-level areas. IMO it was a bit like jamming a square peg into a round hole, so what we're experiencing now is a transition in which open-world pvp becomes a more natural and accepted part of the environment. Devs wanted us to have a reason to feel anxienty and keep looking over our shoulder out there.

When you're a pve-er, being attacked in the open world is jarring and unpleasant, but as the game evolves and open world pvp becomes more balanced, it will feel less that way.

I can tell you that it thins out. I've been playing since April and I've only been PKed in the open world 4 times. Avoid responding to calls like "star seed shabiki at noxious ghoul ch2"

25 Nov

24 Nov


Although new drops have been added to the loot tables, those items have't been added to the visible list on stats yet. They'll get around to it

23 Nov


This error can be shown for a number of reasons. I would suggest reaching out to support for assistance.

Please note that depending on the reason for the block, there may be nothing more that we can tell you.

I also want to point out that using a VPN to get around this can result in your account being banned. There are legal reasons we cannot provide support in some areas of the world.


We're working on a fix for this. Hopefully it will get out to you all soon.


Originally posted by R4GE0fW4R

That's true I'm a first day player and 97% of my endgame gear is bought through the marketplace. I only got 3 drops by myself, that's my 2 accessories and my bodyarmour, the rest is all bought. When I started to dont farm for my needed gear I was way happier then before. If u grind personally for our gear, you only get frustrated and burned out really fast. Playing the content you like is way better than running a specific dungeon 200 times and dont get that desired piece of gear, not even to mention the runes u need. Very good video for the newer ppl.πŸ™‚

Thanks for confirming^

22 Nov

21 Nov


There was a display error that showed many people to have around 40 more skill points than they really had.


Originally posted by Roninfog

If you do not bring potions for yourself then stop playing this game. I have run with randos before that refuse to use a potion here or there expecting the healer to just throw orbs up their ass. As a zerker I 100% need a heal orb every once in a while but I refuse to rely on that as my only healing.
