Bless Unleashed

Bless Unleashed Dev Tracker

19 Nov

18 Nov


It helps to call out what you're queueing for in global chat. Because BU only lets you queue for one dungeon at a time, you're less likely to get a PUG for any but the highest dungeons. Let people know you're queueing, and they'll see their own chance for getting a group there improve


Start applying for guilds. Someone is sure to pick you up


You may be in an instanced space related to a quest you're on


Originally posted by Dangle76

Is there a good resource to read the combos and whatnot other than the in game screens? Also I assume you unlock more as you progress?

Yes you don't get all of the combos right away. I think around level 15 is when you get the last one. I can't think of any resource to tell you which combo to use in which situation. You kind of develop a feel for it after a time. The game encourages you to experiment and find what works best for you


The secret to this game is that you'll hardly ever get the drops you want. The standard for most MMOs is if you want a specific piece of gear, you run the dungeon that has it until it drops. In Bless Unleashed, that way lies frustration. But it will have dropped for someone else who doesn't need it. Just try to get any A-gear you can sell, and use those seeds to buy the drops you actually want. Devs wanted to make sure we keep the economy flowing


Originally posted by Jaysonhush

Ah bloody hell. Thanks for the explanation. I’m level 33 and I’ve got three pieces of A gear. Looks like I’ll be keeping an eye out on what rings and necklaces to purchase/farm, thank you!


if you're only using 1 combo you're going to feel spammy very quickly. The beauty of the combo system is that you use it to adapt to your opponent. Some combos are long with high damage output, some give you more opportunity to break off and dodge, some have more emphasis on crowd control with stuns and slows, and some have AoE. Learn all of your combos and use whichever one fits your current situation best


Classes are locked to races right now because of the game's lore, but that will change as the game grows and the story progresses. Varg were pretty much hippies until the Breaking, and they all snapped and went on a rampage, which is why they are the only berserker race atm. Crusaders are a human cultural thing, because they were soldiers of the army of the Old Empire. Priests were a human adaptation of magic when elves first started teaching it to them, which is why only humans and elves can be mages atm. Elves were rangers and mages as their way of life before humans ever became a thing. Ippin crash landed from another world and assimilated into human culture, which is why they can be priests and crusaders. As new classes and lore come around, those restrictions will loosen up


Are you killing them only when the regional quest marker is on the map? The chests are quest rewards, so if you kill them again before the quest resets, you don't get a chest

17 Nov


It's rare that all of the regionals you need are active at once. Keep checking the map to see if that type of regional has become available


Killing the same bosses repeatedly is pretty much part of the game if you want to advance. If you want to keep track of what you've killed so far, you may have to resort to pencil and paper. After you've played a little while you'll know all of the bosses by heart anyway


Welcome! I put together a compilation guide with as much info as possible here If that is too much at once, maybe start with this one: