Bless Unleashed

Bless Unleashed Dev Tracker

13 Nov


Originally posted by Nermon666

how are there no new player guides at all I'm trying to find info about the best way to start and can't find anything


Originally posted by Jimmypw86

f**k off with this f**king trash scam of a game. you can make fake comments all you f**king want. this is BULLSHIT. I demand my f**king 80 euros back from the scam that was Bless Online

For issues with Bless Online, please direct your complaints to r/bless. This is a different game made by different devs with a different publisher. BandaiNamco has no influence over the refund policies of Neowiz, and even if they could, this subreddit is community-run, and we mere players don't have your money


Works on the new Xbox, so we can assume PS5 will work fine too. Devs don't like making promises too soon in case something gets delayed unexpectedly.

Of course your progress will transfer. Your game data is linked to your Bandai account.


It happens so rarely. Try my method


Originally posted by patico20

I only see calls and special traps no bait

You don't need a call to tame. It just increases the chance of triggering a taming event very slightly

12 Nov


I asked devs that when the game first came out. They said they would love to add one eventually, but have a lot of other priorities to get through first


I've always said I don't get the point of level scaling. Gear score scaling makes sense to me


Originally posted by Universal_Power

Oh what happened? I thought you had better things to do? thank you for proving my point that you don't.

Upset? You're the one upset dude, complaining about me replying and now lying about that you have better things to do.

We are no longer talking about the game so this is getting off topic, since you're still mad over there and keep lying to yourself over and over again.

This conversation is over, remember to stop lying and take your own advice.


Number 1 rule of this subreddit is "Be Kind" you guys. Not the place to try to pick a fight. Don't make me send you to your corners ;)


I'm hoping to receive some clarification on this today. Just know that we're working on it, please.

11 Nov


It's pure luck. Most of the time the animal you capture is just resources. You can tell if an animal is going to be a mount by checking your estate labor pool for what that animal produces

10 Nov