Brawl Stars

Brawl Stars Dev Tracker

29 Jun


Everything you ever done in your life has lead you to this moment.

28 Jun

20 Jun


In other news: we're still around for a couple of weeks this time around. 😉

17 Jun


Originally posted by ManuerDesu

Wait, you’ll add attack animations to mecha paladin surge in the future?

Visual Effects (VFX), not Animations (those aren't necessary in this case).

16 Jun


Here we go!

New Brawler - Buzz

Buzz is the lifeguard of the Velocirapids Water Ride and the Chromatic Brawler of the season! He’s not very good at his job due to his size and his short arms, but he takes it very seriously and he loves to enforce rules and tell people what to do or… rather what NOT to do.

  • Chromatic Brawler for the Jurassic Splash season
  • Main Attack - Buzz Off
    • A series of short-range attacks that goes from left to right
  • Super Ability - Torpedo Throw
    • Buzz shoots his Torpedo Buoy and pulls himself to the target enemy or a wall.
    • Buzz briefly stuns enemies in the area after arriving at the location. The stun length is based on the distance traveled.
    • Buzz can charge his Super ability passively from nearby enemy Brawlers, the range is visualized as a circle around Buzz.
  • Gadget - Reserve Buoy
    • Instantly charges the Super ability bu...
Read more External link →

10 Jun


Originally posted by ForkInTheLightSocket

I fully agree. I find it odd that his 49 gem skin has custom attack effects while his exclusive Brawl Pass skin doesn't-

We'll rectify that in the future. I agree with your sentiment there.


Haha, this was in the early 80's. It's been a while. I started shaving my head when I was in the military more than 20 years ago. 😉

09 Jun


Originally posted by i-likecheese_25

Wait are we getting it ?? Pls yes

Haha, yes! Just to be clear. Everyone will get the skin. It's going to be the last reward of the giveaways we are running right now! :)

18 May




Originally posted by GLeen1230

u/Dani_Supercell is now my favourite community manager just because he blessed me with this pin pack

I wish I had blessed myself with this one

(But if you are happy, I’m happy)

10 May


Hey there! Could you share your player tag with me so I can take a look? Is this match recent?

15 Apr


That's right!

14 Apr


Originally posted by --Derp_Stars--

Defo not a joke...

Wait, isn't this right?!


Originally posted by ghostpepprREPEATERS

Who will be the new community manager?????

We will reveal it soon! Turns out we got to 10M too fast and we are still working on a video reveal 😅

13 Apr


hahaha, that's so cool!
Thank you! Every one of you is part of this achievement!


Omg this is beautiful!! Thank you!!

12 Apr


Hey there!
It's mandatory to have a working 3D model (as it's written in the rules/guidelines).

If you are not getting it right, I would recommend maybe reaching out to the artists who do have a working 3D model and ask what's wrong. Once you have everything all good and working fine, feel free to reupload your skin!