Brawl Stars

Brawl Stars Dev Tracker

31 Dec


Originally posted by SamirMishra27

I will say it again. Brawl stars team is one of the BEST mobile game teams we're blessed to have. Not only they have a passionate dev team but a beyond amazing community manager teams who knows how to make their player community feel important. They understand that community comes first.

Despite the few bad times (quote landscape days, yes I've been playing since canada launch, and recent gears update) I strongly believe they will never would want us to be disappointed.

In short they truly value our community first and we also value them. Also a big shout out to the Youtubers too! Truly the best and wholesome people ever!

Thank you guys. :)

"oh no, are you crying, Dani?"


And guess what: I filmed the heartwarming message at the end of the Brawlies on the same day I got this massive downvote, haha. I meant every word even though that wasn't the best day to record that scene...

Looking back at this, I could have worded my answers better to make sure we are listening, but at that specific time, I had no time to focus much on that because I knew things would calm down after some weeks, so that's why I backed off for a while :D

And thank you for worrying and coming back at this... that's why we are not perfect, but WE ARE the best.

29 Dec


That was the best squeak reaction I’ve ever seen!

28 Dec


Originally posted by Ak_mathical

Someone get Dani to see this

I’ll show it to Dani

21 Dec


It's not actually a bug. It's the low resolution texture for the skin. To keep file size for the initial download small we use smaller, more compressed textures.

Once downloaded the game uses downtime in the lobby to download additional higher quality assets in the background. 🤝

17 Dec

16 Dec


Originally posted by Human_wich_like_BS

The longest break was when bibi was out and lasted for 6 hours

That one actually got us into the news in some countries. 😂


Update coming in shortly! Here are the patch notes!

New Brawlers

Grom - Epic Brawler

Grom is a security guard in Starr Park who is best friends with his walkie-talkie! His biggest fears are kids and their ability to destroy stuff.

  • Main attack - Bud Go Boom!
    • Grom hurls Bud, his exploding walkie-talkie! The blast moves in the shape of a cross and deals damage to any enemy in its path
  • Super - Grom Bomb
    • Grom launches a massive bomb with Bud’s help. It has the same pattern as his main att...
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14 Dec


This is sooooo good! 😍😍😍

08 Dec

03 Dec


The bottom line is that yes, there were definitely a lot of issues with the website and we were not properly prepared to react to it (and know we are trying to make up for it).

Id like to explain a bit better though on why we couldn’t talk to much about it though.

  • we usually only make public statements if we know what’s the outcome. If there’s an ingame bug, we can let you know we are aware of it because we’ll most likely fix it. With the website, we had 3 days to react with a fix in a live website during a live show. Any “we are aware of the issue” would lead to “are you fixing it?” Or “are we going to be compensated?” Which were questions that we had no answer for.

  • giving the items needs to be a team decision, and after that, we need to think of fair ways to do it (as in, everyone affected should get the same treatment). Many of the players couldn’t login on the website, which means we don’t have a reliable data of who m was affected by i...

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Thanks for the report! That’s a missing localization line 😅 I’ll forward it to the team :)

18 Nov


Originally posted by Bobpie

Side note — everyone has the right to downvote him into oblivion; his responses are really not the best, let alone are only adding water to a grease fire.

On the other hand, people who are just straight up harassing him really need to stop… now people also have to understand that there are a ton of people who are giving actual criticism, even if there’s a bit of bias and anger to it. Though I’m not surprised that there are people who are just being completely rude

People need to vent, it's natural. If someone needs a channel/target to focus their complaints or whatever they have in their minds that would be me. So thank you for worrying about me, but I'm ok, haha :D

I know a reply is needed to show we are, at least, out there, but I know also that prolonging the discussion would just do harm at this point. So we'll be collecting feedback and checking how things go for the time being. No promises or decisions for now.

17 Nov


Originally posted by fghdjfnf


Pls dont ruin this game its the best supercell game so far

Don’t worry, this is a normal reaction to a big change. Club League couldn’t have been released without a deeper progression system since our economy wouldn’t be able to sustain another reward source.

Regarding the legendary chances, it shouldn’t affect most of the players since it’s a very high number anyway. Either you got there by being maxed out for a long time without collecting Brawlers from boxes or buying all of them from the shop…

Trust me, it’ll be fine. Whatever feedback you have is super valuable and welcome still, so please keep them coming :)


Originally posted by RedX571

Um Dani, with all due respect, wouldn't players who buy brawlers from the shop be the least affected by this change? They don't have to worry about their legendary drop rate reaching the new capped limit, since they don't open as many boxes to unlock Brawlers unlike F2P players..?

People who are maxed out and opened lots of boxes might be in a situation where they've gone above the cap (so they will be affected negatively). But since the chances of reaching the cap, if you don't buy Brawlers from the shop, are very unlikely to happen, it shouldn't affect you at all... New players should never reach a 0.25% chance to get Legendaries as long as they have Brawlers to collect still, and that was even before we've capped the Leg chances.


Hey there!

I hear you, but I believe it’s the concept that sounds bad, but not the actual numbers. It’s very unlikely for a F2P player to get to this cap. It would mean that you haven’t got any Brawlers from boxes for years…

The cap might affect negatively players who never ever got a Brawler from boxes but get them from the Shop instead. Remember that once you get a Brawler, your legendary chances reset, so to get to this cap, is really, really hard.

It was a bug that we’ve only noticed once we’ve deepened the progression of the game, and that’s why we’ve only fixed it now. So our apologies for not doing it sooner.

I won’t try to spin it positively because I might be pushing it, haha. But the truth is that this makes spenders and F2P players a bit closer together since now the benefit of buying a Brawler from the Shop still limits your Legendary chances.

Hope this clarifies the issue for you or whoever is also a bit lost with this note.

... Read more

Update should be coming in soon! Remember that Club League starts on the 24th of November!


Now brawlers can be upgraded up to level 11!

From now on, every level will require Coins and Power Points. This means that getting a Star Power at level 9 won’t upgrade your Brawler to level 10 anymore. These are the resources needed to unlock levels 9, 10, and 11:

  • Level 9: 550 PP and 1250 Coins → Star Power slot unlocked.
  • Level 10: 890 PP and 1875 Coins → First Gear slot unlocked.
  • Level 11: 1440 PP and ...
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14 Nov


Originally posted by kkavaklioglujr

Ignore people crying about the tickets. The real question is how expensive will it be for maxed accounts to relax or do y'all have any other plans 🥺

It does increase the progression quite a lot, BUT, the good thing is that it gives us space to focus on lots of fun ways to reward players since the economy problem Brawl Stars always had should now be solved


Originally posted by Bazibon01

I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect players to spend 900 star points a week with how limited of a quantity star points come in

It’s 1200 a month (which is less than a megabox) and you get a lot more progression. If you are not into progression and would save it for skins, then you don’t need to spend your SP and can still enjoy and earn rewards from Club League