@Demosth15654512 @BrawlStars This will be fixed in the next update. 👊
@Juri__Q @BrawlStars This might be fixed once we're touching up the Jessie skins based on her new model. 👊
@dbearBS @FisixDzn @DrageBS We are first and foremost optimizing for retention, not revenue. I was merely stating that his assumptions were incorrect.
Most of your points are assumptions. You don't know what we ignore, what we discuss, what we discard and prioritize.
I do agree on the PL/CL comments.
@FisixDzn @DrageBS That's an incorrect assumption. The overwhelming majority of revenue is generated by the center of our player population, not the top.
Per player hardcore players ofc spend more, but the size is a fraction of the mid.
@fizzybs_ @DrageBS Most of the features we've introduced in 2021 were hardcore/endgame centric.
@colonbrace_ART @DrageBS No. Mainly because people simply see it as stuff we'd do and then get upset when it doesn't happen.
@MohamadImad05 @DrageBS Objectively, why?
@natwithaheart @BrawlStars Haha, I'm afraid not. 😉
@brucejcrane @PaladinAmber Humans aren't meant to get that old, anyhow. Right? /s
@PaladinAmber 😂
@DrageBS Most of the items are nothing we pursue and are focused on the 0.1% hardcore players in Brawl. We are a midcore game.
PL maps is an interesting one. I sometimes feel pros would like the map pool to be 100% static. How would you find new competitive maps without trying stuff?
@Houssb10 @BrawlStars 1. Can you give some more details about this, please? 2. Known issue! 👊
@AkaKNG_ @BrawlStars Can you write a bit more details about the first two items?
The others aren't "bugs" in that sense but interaction related and nothing we'll likely address.
@colonbrace_ART @BrawlStars It's something we are looking into. It's a somewhat complex issue and there's no "easy" fix I'm afraid.
@Samuil051 @BrawlStars That behavior is working as intended! 👊
@TimTimTeemo @BrawlStars Can you be somewhat more specific about the Griff Pin? Which one are we talking about? Same for Nita's VO.
The other items: likely won't fix! 👊
@Imunity_ @BrawlStars Known issue! 👊
@yarnbrawl29 @BrawlStars Great find! 👊
@Proporkkana @BrawlStars I have no clue what you are talking about. 😅
@AlejoBrawlStars @BrawlStars Known issue! 👊