@Arturo_BS1 @BrawlStars That's packet loss and is related to your connection to our servers I'm afraid.
Can you provide examples of the ball "logic" misbehaving?
The last of the three is a known issue and we're working on a fix!
@mrpeanu88283854 @BrawlStars Wild! I am playing exclusively on the iPad Pros since gen-1 and never experienced this. How do you replicate it?
@kucingOLEN21 @BrawlStars Not quite sure if I understand. 🤔
@arrrrryaaa @BrawlStars Fixed with the next update! 👊
@Alec26bs @BrawlStars Interesting! Likely won't fix! 👊
@Ethos_BS @BrawlStars Not a bug per se. Will discuss in the team, but likely won't change! 👊
@BlazerN11 @BrawlStars Won't fix! 👊
@DivyanshBs1 @BrawlStars The first two ones are working as intended and not bugs. It's intended behavior.
Can you provide a video on the auto-aim item and the Super SFX?
@Rehinal1 @BrawlStars It's something we are looking at. 👊
@_gdf @BrawlStars What kind of matches?
@DelMoYOu @BrawlStars Couldn't replicate this here. Can you provide more insights in how you've encountered this?
@Apropdoor @BrawlStars Not a bug. The majority of Brawlers *are* Damage Dealers. 😉
@MantarraxM @BrawlStars I could only verify the SFX issue for El Rudo. Can you provide a video of the other skins with the wrong behavior? 👊
The other issue is known!
@HuyDandylion @BrawlStars Will fix! 👊
@Thor__bs @BrawlStars Will be fixed with the next update! 👊
@NewbiePolarBear @BrawlStars We'll look into the first one, but not sure if it's something we will/can address anytime soon. The Gear one will likely be fixed with the coming update! 👊
@AmmanChhetri @DelMoYOu @BrawlStars This will be fixed in the next update! 👊
@Rehinal1 @BrawlStars Thanks! We're working on a fix! 👊
@pumpkintron @BrawlStars This is working as intended. 👊
@BaptisteVigier @BrawlStars Thanks Baptiste, it's a known issue and we're working on a fix! 👊