@idouAb @takzihizBrawl @natwithaheart @EP256_ I've unblocked some individuals who apologized throughout the years. 😉
@Isa_suggar MM in this case considers the individual Brawler trophies first (since even a 30k player is still learning new Brawlers) and at 15k+ we take the training wheels off and don't "protect" you anymore from this.
This being said, MM is on our list of things to improve as mentioned.
@takzihizBrawl @natwithaheart @EP256_ Nah.
@takzihizBrawl @natwithaheart @EP256_ I think I've exceeded @natwithaheart's numbers with the Qlash disqualification in 2019 alone. 😂
@natwithaheart @EP256_ Rookie numbers. 😂
@zenklar @a_reeb_who_sane This being said - I'll get my hands dirty with anything when required. From copyrighting, to map design, supporting esports, business development, QA testing, cleaning up files, submissions, etc. etc. 😅
@zenklar @a_reeb_who_sane The TLDR is: it's absolutely personal preference and based on the time I have. Need to pick my fights. Still doing a lot of hands on things. I'd describe myself also 30% Designer, 10% Community Manager, 10% Recruiter, 20% Product Manager and 30% People Lead. 😉
@panda_casts I see. But you can already switch unlock progression towards unlocking Brawlers from the current group as often as you want.
@haveatyouvill @panda_casts Yeah, something like this could work if the price tag is meaningful enough to balance things out.
I have my doubts that someone who'd put money on the table would rather switch things around than upgrade a Brawler permanently, though. Something to ponder over.
@panda_casts What do you mean the same could work? 😅
You'd essentially remove the entire progression meta, besides unlocking Brawlers themselves.
@panda_casts Ok. What other monetization mechanic would you replace it with?
@panda_casts Wouldn't that render the whole progession system... useless? Why a progression system in the first place if you can just swap at will.
Maybe I misunderstand?
@absplayer0010 Season 11 skins will become available some point after March. 😉
@Breadjamin201 Nothing to talk about for now. 😉
@yuna__yt Messaging is always a tricky thing because of the potential for abuse and toxicity. With many young players in the game, that's a fairly big concern.
@ixpaXD Yes, at least from Season 11 onwards. Power League skins have a nominal value of 149 Gems.
@baadshahvv I agree that experience is useless in Brawl. It's a remnant of the past and doesn't have a real place in the game anymore.
@Salty_Nay Let's just say we are obviously keeping an eye on the numbers and will make adjustments and tweaks when needed.
@TioCosmos_BS Software is complicated, some bugs are harder to catch than others. It's obviously an item we'd like to fix but things aren't always that linear, especially when it's not game breaking. 😉