Brawl Stars

Brawl Stars Dev Tracker

01 Apr


Originally posted by furynita17

Thanks :)

We see them! Whenever I see these posts, I have shared with the entire Brawl Stars dev team!

21 Mar


Thank you! That Piper is so cute! 😍😍😍

17 Mar


As mentioned in Brawl Talk - There will be no update in April


Originally posted by Saurya12

I am 13 and I have been playing since global launch. Who cares about rules

We do.


Originally posted by Ixameh

I clicked on the official update post by supercell when it had 6 upvotes, it seems they copy & pasted a bit too much text. The extra text got edited out pretty quick, you can see that it's edited on the post

You're FAST! But it's actually not a release date. That's when you can expect YouTubers to cover Sprout =]

16 Mar


We would love to participate in charity efforts with the creator code! Unfortunately, there are platform restrictions out of our control that prevent it =\

14 Mar


This is the warning. They will be removed after the next update. Not the one you've just seen in Brawl Talk. More information will follow probably in May. :)

10 Mar


The update is fine btw, thanks for asking! <3


Originally posted by -Walter-Clements-

I have a question, does this feature work if i play alone with two teammates with a 200+ trophies that arent in a team? Also, does it work if i am in a team of 2 with my friend and i have a teammate with a 200 trophies difference as a random?

if i play alone with two teammates with a 200+ trophies that arent in a team?

If you play a game with 3 random players (no premade groups) then the matchmaking algorithm shouldn't create a 200+ trophy difference

does it work if i am in a team of 2 with my friend and i have a teammate with a 200 trophies difference as a random?

This is the scenario with Frank that we described above. Though remember - It's the third player (the one who isn't in a premade team) who gets underdog status.

26 Jan


And now the whole world will know that I don't know the difference between a seal and a dog.

23 Jan


Originally posted by TehPiyoNoob

I'll like to ask assuming I did not remember wrongly or something, and since I did not see any posts any it but before the update came out, powerplay was duo showdown, but after it was gem grab... And showdown 1st gives more +38 than +33 from gem grab. Did you guys make any adjustments?

You are correct and that was one of the errors we had. The number of games wasn't lost though, but it's true that in a gem grab match you get fewer trophies if you win, but the other way to look at it is that the chances of getting 30 points in Gem Grab are higher winning a duo showdown match.

Sorry about the trouble!


Originally posted by FrogsAreOurFriends

Seriously guys, u/dani_supercell, u/ryan_supercell, u/frank_supercell, this update is already so fun. The changes you and your team implemented are a major step in the right direction, between removing TD/LS, modifying brawler and player stats screens...the new brawler which has incredibly unique mechanics, and the new game-mode which is a blast and has huge potential, I could not be happier.

Just wanted to let y’all know this one is a hit and your hard work is appreciated. And thanks for showing your appreciation to the player base with the mega-boxes—that was a really generous gesture. Can’t wait for the new skins to drop. Brawl on!

🥰 thank you for the words!

But it’s not done yet, now we have to fix all the bugs that naturally comes with a new update. :)


Hey, Neo! Could you tell me what's the model of your device?



Originally posted by Shadowhammer61

Very big oof. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

It's because the rest of your rewards are actually in the Trophy Road. Higher trophy road players got more because they have already completed it.


Happens every time...