Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile Dev Tracker

02 Oct

Originally posted by freddysl124774

Could you give a hint as to what the new scorestreak is going to be, if it is attack or aid

Sure, there are a lot of questions here in this thread we can't discuss at all yet, but for a new scorestreak it is aid or support based. More a utility as opposed to something that reigns destruction down upon your enemies.

Originally posted by Singh300697

Where are big announcement

Coming later once we get closer to our next season! Today is just about celebrating our 1 year anniversary.

Originally posted by Midnight_Sladee

Is there any reasons of why does the global version has not an anniversary event yet?

Hey hey, those events aren't always necessarily the same between each version. It could be something where the global team wants to save that for later, like closer to the season release, or just has a differing opinion on whatever the event is. Is this in Garena or Korea presumably?

Greetings Reddit community!

Today is our 1 year anniversary of Call of Duty: Mobile and while we don't have a season dropping or anything today, we do have much more coming in mid October that is still tied to anniversary.

For now, thank you all for being here, for sharing this with us, and for supporting us and this community through the year! The memes have been stellar, the discussions have been passionate, and the majority of people have always treated us (the community team) and our overall developers with a lot of respect. That isn't common for video game communities, we'll do our best to never forget how lucky we are for that reason and for many others that make us love participating here.

To celebrate our 1 year anniversary we have our first look at our logo and the upcoming season:


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01 Oct

29 Sep

Using that music feels like a cheat code haha, but that is an excellent sketch with a truly insane amount of detail. Any interest in a community highlight in one of the upcoming community updates? It is clear people appreciate your art and it is always a nice excuse to share that outside of this subreddit since we post the updates in multiple areas.

Originally posted by Niccolasss

My expectation was the one we got

Glad to hear most people in this thread saying they didn't expect that one from the trailer. Most of our trailers use areas from new maps that are quite a bit different from the in-game version of that map (like night time Tunisia). We did really want to do this as well because it would look fantastic, but our team ended up deciding on sticking with the clean original version.

Originally posted by Entrapta_lol

I actually kind of hate cuz if you accidentally hit more than like, 2 people you will get instakilled constantly, it's annoying as hell

Heya, we actually love the way that is setup, because it forgives you for 2 TKs (basically), but then after that the system is really saying "be more careful" and no longer punishing anyone but yourself. If you do just TKs only, no reflective damage, then you would already see dozens of posts about people griefing and TKing like no ones business.

Originally posted by ThePhantom7771

I know. I just noticed this is happening to my kilo a lot and thought it was funny

They are fickle beasts sometimes. Just to further support what Thanos_dad is saying, we actually wrote about that in a community update back in August. Check the section under " How Killcams Work" -

27 Sep

26 Sep

Originally posted by HideYourAuntiesLoL

Hey devs I am the guy that was telling you guys that I don’t see the intros for lucky draws and the battle pass. You told me to show a screenshot but I don’t know how to post it on Reddit under a community post, just wonder if I could tag you guys on Twitter and you could tell me the problem over there. Thanks in advance!

Heya, yeah are you still running into that same problem? We sent up your report last time and the team was hoping that after a recent hotfix it would have essentially reset that for you. Also, sure tag us on Twitter with our account. Easy place to throw screenshots and info at us. Thanks for reaching back out!

Originally posted by _R3b0rN

Yep I was noticing that too. Responded to feedback that praises them but can't answer anything related to bundles or bug reports that haven't been solved or acknowledged etc.

What a joke. An advertising sign spinner on the street could literally do this person's job.

Heya, more than happy to take a stab at any bug reports, but we cannot reply further on bundles at this moment beyond what we said in the community post. We respond to a lot in general, especially with these community updates, but some discussions can only be addressed in broad ways instead of 1 to 1 like this.

Anyways, please do tag us and throw us at any bug reports we may have missed. We've gone through about 30 replies related to bugs in the last hour, so hopefully we have found most of them in this post.

Originally posted by ElCataMMT

hey r/CallOfDutyMobile Nice what you're doing with the game,keep up the good job
There is one thing i want to know : about Pistols,theres just the same MW11 and The J358
Anything about more secondaries?
Its boring to have the same two all the time

Hey there! First off, thanks for the kind words and yeah we've seen some similar comments a few times about a desire to have more pistols in particular (or knives). However, we tend to focus exclusively on primaries because of how most players use those exclusively. We do still want to add more secondaries, but it is just going to far less common than adding new functional primary weapons.

Originally posted by MilchbubiLP

Hey! You probably won’t see this! But. I think it would be awesome if you could add all game modes into private lobbies (esp. gunfight and ffa) if you see this. That’d be awesome. But I totally understand if you don’t. Thanks for making the best and most enjoyable mobile game I’ve ever played - a call of duty mobile enthusiast :)

Heya, we probably might see it ;). That is a bit tricky with private lobbies because a lot of modes, unless they are permanent, basically get activated for a set period of time while for those private lobbies it essentially requires something more like a patch.

We know, vague answer haha, but that is odd that FFA isn't option since that is permanent. We'll share that one up. Also, glad to hear you are loving and appreciate the uniqueness of CODM. We hope you love everything coming up next month for anniversary! It should be a great time for all types of players.

Originally posted by Shackel9

I’m having the same issue with missing rewards, specifically the tank and hvk. I did receive the xp cards tho.

Name: Shacktrocity
UID: 6742695388933259265

Hey Shackel, thanks for reaching out with that information and for letting us know exactly which rewards. That should help. We'll send up your info along with the rest as soon as we can, which should be early this next week.

Originally posted by bbraz96

I never received the HVK either.

IGN: Braz96

UID: 6754901873188864001


Heya, thanks for the information and for the specifics on what you are missing. We'll send that up as soon as we can along with everyone else here reporting the same issue. Have a great weekend and hang tight.

Originally posted by THEFIRSTONE1093

IGN: Ozone_Riot

UID: 6785240268272041985

Did not receive tank skin and HVK, you can find Merc 5 blood in the water as a proof for receiving tank skin

Heya, thanks for all of that information. We would strongly recommend removing your Open ID and Player ID, those are supposed to be private to your account. Your IGN and UID are all we need. We'll get back to you all in one way or another (hopefully with the rewards landing in your inbox) as soon as we can.