over 3 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

Hey everybody!

We’re aware of an issue where some players playing from the PC Gamepass version of the game are not able to log into the game. We’re looking into the issue and we’d need some information from you in order to get to the core of the issue and fix it.

Those of you affected by this issue, could you send us your logs so we can look into this and figure out what’s causing the error?

The logs would be in the following path:

  • /Appdata/Local/ConanSandbox/Saved/Logs

If you don’t have that folder, then you should find it here:

  • C:\Users\AppData\Local\Packages\FuncomOsloAS.ConanExiles_pkaskhy6cdq4g\LocalCache\Local\ConanSandbox\Saved\Logs

If you’re willing to help us further :pray: , could you let us know the following:

  • 1- The login error always occurs to you with your game being completely unable to login or that if after some tries you are able to login successfully?
  • 1.1- If you are never able to login could you see if the following solves this: Try to logout of the Microsoft Store and log back in? And logout and back in the Xbox Console Companion or Xbox App if they are installed
  • 2- *Which type and version of Windows 10 are you using? (Windows Pro, Home, Enterprise).
  • 3- Which region are you playing from?

Thank you a lot in advance and sorry for the headache!

PS: We will merge other threads about this issue into this one to centralize feedback about the problem. If you want to discuss this issue please do so as a reply to this thread.

over 3 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

Thanks everybody for the logs and information. Our team is looking into this issue at the moment and we’ll aim to find a way to fix the problem as soon as possible.

over 3 years ago - AndyB - Direct link

Hey there, no new updates since yesterday’s post from Ignasi. Generally speaking, as soon as we know anything concrete on progress of the issue, we’ll let you know. A gap in our posting should not be taken as an indication the team is not actively working on the matter.

Also, to (hopefully) make things easier, we’ve enabled direct .txt and .log file extension uploads to posts so you don’t have to paste huge logs in your replies. You should just be able to drag the file into the text box you’d use to type a post, or you should be able to use the ‘Upload’ button (outlined in yellow here) which should help if you’re on mobile:

Let me know if that works.


CrashReporter(2.0.23).2021.03.18 18.16.40-0331.txt (179 Bytes)

debug.log (45 Bytes)

over 3 years ago - AndyB - Direct link

So you are aware, Narelle is not Funcom staff so please direct your commentary about our processes at us, not at them. They’re just trying to help.

over 3 years ago - AndyB - Direct link

Hello! We understand this is a frustrating issue, but some issues are more complex than others and may take time to resolve. The Live Services team is still looking into and working on the issue and while we don’t have an ETA to offer right this second, we’re absolutely “interested in solving the issue” as you put it in your post. :stuck_out_tongue:

over 3 years ago - AndyB - Direct link

No new information at this time, I’m sorry.

about 3 years ago - AndyB - Direct link

Hey friends, please let us know if you’re still experiencing this issue after updating to 2.4.6. Thank you!