over 3 years ago - Mayra - Direct link

Hi @Jengster, thank you for your concern.

Our team was preparing the update and the fixes preventing the exploit to continue was the priority. Now that’s released, they should start working on a safe way to address those players without prejudice to the ones playing fair.

We apologize for the long wait, we are still working from home and doing our best to work as fast as possible. Thanks for your patience :slight_smile:

over 3 years ago - Mayra - Direct link

Hey @Jengster,

We understand your frustration, after the work hours we are players as well!
The good news is that even with the working from home situation, pandemic, and all, our team is still growing and we have a team dedicated only to bug fixes and improvements aside from the Isle of Siptah updates.

Thanks for reaching out :slight_smile:

over 3 years ago - Mayra - Direct link

Hey @CodeMage, this isn’t as simple as before.

We can’t disclose internal processes but, we can assure you our team is already working on it. :wink:

over 3 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

Hey there,

Just stealing the thunder slightly to mention that detecting players that have unusual stats is doable and we’re using that for, say, a naughty little list.
Besides that, @Mayra is on point by mentioning work is being done to reestablish the stats in a future hotfix. The priority this time was to get the main fix out of the gates first, while we deal with naughty wrongdoers until the second part of the fix is out. :slight_smile:

As per the do-ability of one thing or the other, we’ll let the ones in charge of doing that decide it based on the work ahead.
Until then, rest assured this is not a forgotten matter.

Closing the thread, hoping our answers have resolved the main question.

Have an excellent 2021, everybody!