about 5 years ago - Tascha - Direct link

There is no cap on the feat points you can add.

about 5 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

Hey @solarious

Was that single player or online?
Does it happen reliably?

about 5 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

Thanks for the additional information :slight_smile:

about 5 years ago - Tascha - Direct link

Good morning and thanks for the input on this.
Are you playing single player or online?

about 5 years ago - Tascha - Direct link

This is being discussed and we will have a look at it asap :slight_smile:

about 5 years ago - Tascha - Direct link

Yes, you will keep them :slight_smile:

about 5 years ago - Tascha - Direct link

Does the double spawn issue happen on all modes?

about 5 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

Hey @Bodin

That is intended if your base has no way in. It is a way of combating some cheese bases we’ve been seeing around. :stuck_out_tongue:

about 5 years ago - Tascha - Direct link

That would be very tough to balance.

about 5 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

It is unintended. Our team is looking into it.