over 2 years ago - Dana - Direct link

Greetings Everyone,

We are currently looking into these issues that occurred with character transfers after the 2.8 update.

As soon as we know more we will update the ‘Character Transfer’ threads here on the forum.

Thank you for your patience and understanding while we investigate.

over 2 years ago - Dana - Direct link

We are still investigating the character transfer feature but in the meantime we need your help.

Please send us a message/DM here on the forums with the following information:

  • Server number
  • Character name
  • Clan name (if applicable)

Make sure to include @ Dana or @ Community when sending your message.

This way we can look into each case individually and try to figure out what happened with these failed transfers.

Thank you for helping us with the investigation.

over 2 years ago - Mayra - Direct link

Greetings everyone!

Our team is still investigating and testing. In the meantime, we advise you to stop any interactions with the character transfer feature and do not upload any other characters.

We’ll update this thread once we know more. Thank you all for your ongoing support!

about 2 years ago - Mayra - Direct link


Our team is working on a permanent fix for the issue with the character transfer feature and in the meantime, they gave us green light to start helping players make the transition.

At this moment we reached out in private to a couple of players on each platform to make sure it’s working for everyone.

While we wait for confirmation, please make sure your previous comment in this thread has all the following information with much attention to spelling and including any special characters in the ID’s:

  1. Xbox ID
  2. Origin server (where you were transferring from)
  3. Transfer server (where you were transferring to)
  4. Character name

Thank you in advance!

about 2 years ago - Dana - Direct link

Greetings Everyone,

Until this issue is permanently fixed, we are trying to help each and everyone of you individually.
If you can please provide us with the information @Mayra mentioned above so that we can recover your missing characters.

As soon as the fix is implemented in the game we will post about it on the forums.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding.