Hmm that’s weird! Are you on PC? Normal difficulty? If you happen to have a screenshot or video we’d love to see it. And what are your computer’s specs? Thanks!
Hmm that’s weird! Are you on PC? Normal difficulty? If you happen to have a screenshot or video we’d love to see it. And what are your computer’s specs? Thanks!
Heya, I edited your forum account so you have a higher trust level. Sorry about that! It helps prevent spammers. You should be able to post pics now! Thanks for taking the time and for the specs!
Thanks a ton! That is super weird. I went ahead and forwarded this to the devs so they’re aware. We’ll get back to you if we have further questions but for now they’ll investigate it! Sorry for the trouble regarding that!
Hey Baba,
Unfortunately we don’t have any updates about this specific issue. There aren’t additional patches and updates planned for Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden at the moment.