almost 4 years ago - Mayra - Direct link

Hello everyone,

As you may understand everything we worked on this year was delayed and took longer then expected because of the pandemic, we are all working from home in the best way possible. However, issues like experienced in this server are harder to test and work on when every team member is isolated and with limited resources.

We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience but, once again we’ll ask you to be patient and let’s hope that next year the pandemic ends and allows us to work more efficiently from the office.

One more time, we apologize for the long wait and thank all of you for your patience.

over 3 years ago - Mayra - Direct link

Hello everyone,

We understand your frustration, our team has pinpointed the issue and we’re are doing our best to send out a fix as soon as possible.

Apologies for the long wait.

over 3 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

Server restarts are automatically triggered once every 24 hours per server (with a slight margin due to the process taking more time to complete due to database size), and we actively monitor servers for unusually long uptimes.

Regarding the connectivity issues being experienced and reported, we’re forwarding all feedback we get and are currently looking into this matter internally, as detailed in another post: