almost 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Minor fix to the 1.4.4 version, one of the testers found out that his server restarted properly 8 times, but as it happens, there was also a spurious restart caused by the clock (apparently) going temporarily backward for a second or so.

1.4.5 (29 april 2021)

If a few of you can test that this version works fine, and that the Zombie check behave as expected, please tell me, so I can promote it to new official version.

Regarding the ideal Zombie delay, it seems that on startup the game server (for this user) sometimes stops doing anything for up to about 1 minute and 38 seconds, so in his case I would suggest to not go under 2 minutes, but I guess it may depend on people’s mods, database size, etc… so I would be interested by the range of values you get on your own servers for this particular message in the launcher logs:

The Game Server is answering again after being Zombie for …

almost 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

@Kennbo @SailorSat I assume that in both cases, it’s machines with only one monitor?

I tried on my main machine that also has a 2560x1440 screen… plus a bunch of other screens, and I tried all the rescale parameters from 100 to 225%, but the truncation does not happen, possibly because I have more desktop screen estate. Can you confirm you only have one screen before I try to disable my other screens :slight_smile: ?

almost 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

The only solution I can think of, is to basically maintain a complete copy of the game data and mods on a separate folder, try to update that asynchronously on the side, eventually repeating again and again until it works, and on restart instead of calling SteamCMD, copy from the separate folder.

Regarding zombies, did you have that only trigger on exit (stuck restart), or did it also happen on normal runnings, with the server freezing while running?

almost 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

You need to edit your ServerSettings.ini (you can access the location by clicking the blue icon with a folder and a gear on the left side of the log).

In this file, locate these two lines:


Here is what our documentation says:

The two following conditions need to be met at the same time for the undermesh killing system to trigger.


Determines how long you have to be detected as being undermesh being killed, given in seconds. This is also the parameter that is used to enable and disable the system. A setting of -1 will disable the system, 0 will immediately kill a player, postive numbers will allow the player to briefly undermesh without dying. On official servers this is set to zero.


This the distance squared at which you need to be from the first point where you got undermesh for the system to trigger, measured in unreal units aka centimeters. This is a measure to allow some more leniency towards players that sometimes spawn inside a big rock, so they can get out of it. The default is set to be 7 meters on official servers. Since unreal units are 1cm, the value becomes 700*700 = 490000.

Something to keep in mind, is that the undermesh system analyzes both the terrain and the meshes in the world, and some of the objects had to be manually flagged as “Ignored for Undermesh Detection” (that’s an option in the Unreal editor/devkit), because complicated meshes, or things like “single sided flags”, etc… could trigger false detection.

It’s not clear if all mods have been done with this in mind, so if you run a server with undermesh enabled, if a player happens to be interacting/be inside/under some incorrectly flagged element, they could get killed.

Good luck :slight_smile:

almost 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

What I posted is all I know on the topic, sorry!

For details on how that actually work (or not), I would advise you to ask on either the Admin’s United Conan discord, or on the other forum threads related to gameplay features.

almost 4 years ago - AndyB - Direct link

We’ve converted the OP to use the new table of contents formatting added recently. Let us know how it works for you.

You can navigate to the bottom of the post to start scrolling through the replies (and get the topic scrollbar to appear) using the down arrow seen at the top of the table of contents:


almost 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Thanks Andy, much appreciated :slight_smile:

If everybody is happy with the change, I’ll take the opportunity to re-arrange the top post, update the FAQ, etc…

almost 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Were you changing these values with the server already running, or did you shut down the server first, then changed and saved the values, then started the server?

almost 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Probably a case of server rewriting the information before quitting, and actually overwriting whatever was modified :-/

almost 4 years ago - AndyB - Direct link

This topic has been migrated under the PC section. The actual URL to the thread did not change.

almost 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

“Root” just means “raíz” (Racine), it’s not an actual folder, it just means “The base of the drive”, so if you have a disk drive called C, the root is “C:”.

So what he meant, is that instead of:
you just put in

or something like that, short and nice, no long path, no spaces, ñö accentuatèd charactærs…


over 3 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Normally it is only grayed out if the server is running.
The port can only be tested if nothing else is already connected (or trying to connect) to it.

over 3 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

There was not many changes, but port forwarding depends on many things, and if any of these change it will not work anymore, so what I would check is:

  • Have you forwarded both TCP and UDP for each of the port
  • Has the IP of the server changed? (make sure forwarding is still forwarding to the right machine)
  • Check that anti-virus or firewall are not blocking anyhing
  • Make sure that no other program (client, server, anything…) is using these same ports

(and just to make sure, I ran the test on my machine, in case the back-end the DSL is trying to connect to would be down, and it is green here)

over 3 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Define “clean”.
Do you want to start from scratch, or to keep something from the existing server (characters, …)?

over 3 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Ok, then I fear I can’t help you on that one, there are many people who wrote scripts and things you can use, your best bet it to ask on the Admins United Conan Discord server.

Good luck :slight_smile:

over 3 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

I realize that 1.3.8 is still the official DSL version, which means it does not have the discord API fix which are in the beta.

Does everybody think 1.4.5 is a worthy replacement for the stable version?

over 3 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

If you change parameters while the server is running, there’s a significant chance for the parameters to be rewritten by the server.

This has changed over time, but generally speaking, if you are planning on changing parameters, better shutdown the server, change the parameters, save, restart.

over 3 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Never seen that one before :cold_face:

Does it change the name back to the previous name, or something else you never wrote yourself?

If you have a more detailed sequence of events, that would help, and/or some screen shots :slight_smile:
Also, which version of the Launcher are you using?

over 3 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

I need more details, like for example “what is the name you entered” and “what did you get when it’s truncated”. Are you entering some super long names, or things like having forbidden words, like “official”?

over 3 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Where did you try to install the launcher?

Generally I suggest something simple like “C:\Exiles” or “C:\DSL” and to avoid “desktop”, “app data”, “download”, “my documents” or other random locations with long paths, weird permissions, spaces in names, etc…

over 3 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Then I guess I need more details, like what is the hardware and software configuration (operating system, type of drive, etc…) if you have done some disk check, rebooted, excluded the folder from your anti-virus, etc…

A quick web search reported similar issues for many games over the years, some people on linux, some on windows, etc…

Also I assume you are not running the launcher in admin mode, just running normally, or on an account with limited access rights, or some fancy configuration.