Minor fix to the 1.4.4 version, one of the testers found out that his server restarted properly 8 times, but as it happens, there was also a spurious restart caused by the clock (apparently) going temporarily backward for a second or so.
1.4.5 (29 april 2021)
- Modified the Zombie Check to properly handle time changes leading to spurious time stamp comparison
Dedicated Server Launcher 1.4.5
If a few of you can test that this version works fine, and that the Zombie check behave as expected, please tell me, so I can promote it to new official version.
Regarding the ideal Zombie delay, it seems that on startup the game server (for this user) sometimes stops doing anything for up to about 1 minute and 38 seconds, so in his case I would suggest to not go under 2 minutes, but I guess it may depend on people’s mods, database size, etc… so I would be interested by the range of values you get on your own servers for this particular message in the launcher logs:
The Game Server is answering again after being Zombie for …