Greetings Exiles!
We’re deploying a Hotfix for the Economy patch, including several crash and bug fixes and a few balancing changes.
Known issues from the last patch were addressed, such as certain recipes not showing up in certain specialized benches and the placement boxes for some of the crafting stations.
Thank you for all your ongoing support!
Please remember that updates can mess with your installed mods. We suggest taking a backup of your current database before updating to any new patch if you have mods installed.
- Fixed a number of crashes
- Fixed an issue that would cause the game to soft-lock
- Siege and ambient Elder Things will now despawn after leaving the Maelstrom area
- Adjusted the placement boxes for Tanneries, Furnaces, Delving, and Alchemist Benches
- Fixed collisions and pivots for a number of building pieces
- Bows now have full durability when crafted with T4 carpenter
- Glass flasks and coins are now crafted in the Furnace rather than in the Tinker’s table
- Adjusted inventory sizes, cooking rates, and fuel timers for Tanneries and Furnaces
- Adjusted the attribute bonus on the Eldarium armor sets
- Removed all Exceptional and Flawless weapon and armor loot-drops
- Adjusted the Vanity Mirror camera
- Changing race with the Vanity Mirror no longer restores default colors of the equipped armor
- Re-equipping parts of insulated armor no longer makes the temperature debuff permanent
- Repairing armors no longer requires paddings
- Fixed an issue that would prevent the Main Bosses inside Vaults to spawn
- Fixed an issue where temporary mod selection could not be restarted if ‘Automatically subscribe to and download mods’ and ‘Automatically connect when ready’ options were selected in the Mod Mismatch Menu
- When customizing through the Vanity Mirror, submenu selections now update properly after changing race
- DLC equipment icons are no longer overwriting resource ones
- Fixed the sound of the Surge being present everywhere on the map
We’re currently working on a fix for the following:
The reason this made it into the patch notes is that there were a couple of issues detected with one of the patch changes that we’ve had to roll back at the last moment, which undid this fix.
We apologize for the confusion this has created and will have it working as intended in the upcoming 2.1.2 hotfix.