@PlayaCircle614 We're still investigating this issue and working on building a reliable reproduction case. We understand that it's frustarting and apologize for that.
@SHOHOKU08357363 We are taking your complaints seriously and we are looking into fixing the things that have been brought up by the players, but these fixes won't necessarily come overnight. We're still investigating the bugs you reported.
Here it is! The Xbox One version of Conan Exiles has now been patched with building optimizations, Purge fixes, balancing changes and more. Read the full patch notes in the link below:
@Louiseb49292354 The tweet from yesterday said 1pm CET, which is in about 9 minutes.
@dannysmith54 This enormous patch is going to fix and change a lot. We care to get these fixes in. :) If you want a preview of what is going in, I suggest looking at the PS4 notes:
@realdhop: The arena gates are open #ConanExiles #XboxShare
@OldskoolPlays So glad to hear that you're having a good time! :D Thank you for letting us know.
Conan Exiles is on sale on the European PlayStation store! You can get the game for less than half price, 55% off! If you're a PS Plus subscriber you get 60% off the full price. All our DLC packs are also on sale, for 30% off!
@yaken_wanx2 Hey there! What's the official server number? Thanks for your patience!
It is stream day again tomorrow and we'll be jumping into the From Ashes Risen, a high fantasy themed RP/PvP server focused on variety, challenge and engaging gameplay, for a tour. 5pm CET/ 12pm EDT/ 9am PDT
@ty1100942 @SHOHOKU08357363 The Event Log was changed due to player feedback, primarily from our forums, but we also saw feedback on social media asking us to remove names and Steam profiles from the Event log.
@SHOHOKU08357363 If you're in a clan, then the entire clan has access to anything built by members of that clan. That includes chests. If you're alone, only you have access :) The "No Ownership" you see on your UI is a bug and we will fix it in a future patch.
@Josie_Baby_1975 Hey! The "No Owner" bug is just a visual glitch. You'll still be able to use your doors and containers as normal, and no one can access them but you :) To turn on your work tables and crafting machines you have to hit L2.
@Devils_Grin We're investigating this issue and are looking into a fix :)
@casecapehart There's an Xbox patch coming tomorrow, no prayer necessary :)
@Carlos20793052 @dround77 We are still working on finding a reliable reproduction case for this bug.
@dround77 Thanks for the report. This is not supposed to happen, so we'll have someone look into it. Did this specifically start happening after the latest patch?
@FruityMoo_ Yup! :)
The time has arrived! The big patch for Xbox is coming out tomorrow, the 21st at 1pm CET. This is the parity patch, so Xbox will be up to date with what PS4 and PC both currently have. Thanks for your patience!
@BadBricker @funcom Whoops! That's definitely not supposed to happen. We'll add it to the bug list.